How to Create an Unforgettable Online Training Experience

You’ve spent hours creating a great course for your online community, but now you’re worried about whether or not it’ll end up in the course graveyard. 


It doesn’t have to be this way. 


That’s why I’m showing you how to use Kartra to create an amazing, engaging course experience for your students. 


You want them to get the most out of your course right? 


Then it’s time to make them feel comfortable, and show them how to get around, and make sure they have all the resources that they need. 


Let’s get started… 


There are 3 things you need to create an unforgettable online training experience.


A General Welcome


Every course should start with a general welcome from you. A great way to do this is to record a video that says hello, lets them know what to expect, and gives them their next action. 


Their next action should be another video that outlines exactly how to navigate the course and student portal. 


Some things that are great to include are: 

  • How to access the modules

  • Overview of when lessons are released (or if they’re all available instantly)

  • How to download content they’ll need to complete the course successfully 

  • How to contact you if they need support (add your customer support email address or enable the Help Desk inside of Kartra) 


Now it’s time to add sidebar content to create a great online course experience... 


Sidebar Contents 


Sidebar contents are static as students go through the entire course. Make sure to include links that will help them be successful, share their excitement, or get more support. 


Check out some of the more useful ones below: 

  1.  Banner

This is simply a hyperlinked image. It’s perfect for when you need a way for students to access content that isn’t in Kartra. Eg. If you have a private Facebook group for your members, you can link to it here. 

  1.  Featured Posts

This allows you to link to another lesson/Post within your course. These are great for highlighting things like assessments, worksheets, or any action items that you want students to complete at the beginning of the course. 


You can also use it as a mid-way checkpoint or isolate important lessons to get more attention.


Feel free to change the featured posts as often as you like. For example, if you have a monthly membership, use it to highlight what’s new!

  1.  Products

If you have multiple courses, use the sidebar as an opportunity to highlight and cross-sell them.


Content Blocks


Let’s talk about how to use content blocks within the main section of your lessons.  


Here are 5 great ways to do this & to create a clear and streamlined way for people to complete your course materials...


  1. Highlight Box

This works as an awesome reminder. If you have an assignment for every module, list them here and format it differently so it’ll stand out. 

  1. Reminders

A great space for bonus tips or any action items you want to remind your students to complete. 

  1. Download Box

This is great for PDF worksheets. You can include a button that works as an external link or downloads any content that’s been directly uploaded into Kartra. 

  1. Resources & Links

If you want to share different software and external websites, then use this section to link it to those resources. This is a good way to display anything that may be handy to your students. 

  1. Audio Playlist 

Do you have an audio version of your video that you’d like to share? You can embed and display it so they can listen to it right on the page. 


If you want to allow them to download it, then use the download box instead. 


These are just some examples of ways to create a really, useful and clear course for everyone. 


‘What’s Next’ Section

A great way to guide students as they complete your course is to create a final module or section in your course called “What’s Next”.


This is great if you want to cross-sell to another product like a coaching program or whatever the next level might be for someone who has completed the course. 


It’s the perfect way to increase sales and not leave your students hanging once they’re finished. 


Feel free to link a sales page or add a video that explains the best next step for them. 


And even if you don’t have another offer at the moment, create a wrap-up message for them and offer some tips for them to move forward. 


Practice these top tips to create an engaging and welcoming course that’ll wow your students as they work their way through. 



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