(Healing) Money Talks

An online summit to explore the

way we relate to money

How Do You Relate To Money?


Do you invite it in or do you keep it standing out in the cold on the doorstep?


Does money scare you?


Do you have stories running about it?


Money doesn’t grow on trees

Money is the root of all evil

Money doesn’t make you happy

Money corrupts


What if I told you that Money Is Love?


Would you believe me or would you think I have gone completely mad?


Two years ago, when I began my own exploration of the concept of “money as love”, I sent out an email to all my friends and contacts.


I had a variety of responses...






  • The first was deafening silence...

  • The second, and most popular, was quick fire replies from people telling me that my email had been hacked...


  • And the third, which really fascinated me, was from a solitary friend...

My friend told me that when she was a child and her dad told her that money doesn’t grow on trees, she decided to ignore him.  Instead she planted an imaginary money tree in her garden.  This friend has never had a money worry in her life and money moves easily and freely through her.

Money is an emotive and provocative subject...

It has been shrouded in dark energies such as shame, guilt and fear for many centuries.


Many people on a spiritual or healing path believe that money should be avoided and that, if they engage with its energy and even allow themselves to receive it in abundance, their work will somehow be corrupted.


I have a particular passion for helping healers and lightworkers overcome these negative associations around money and many of my speakers are members of these communities.

Key Note Speakers

I first became aware of the concept of shifting the consciousness around money through the work of Sarah McCrum and Jeff Vander Clute in March 2019.


I later came across Barbara Wilder, author of Money Is Love, Sarah Jennings and Louis Böhtlingk, author of Dare To Care.


The work of all of these brilliant individuals is concerned with shifting and changing the collective consciousness of money, bringing it out of the shadows and into the light.


They have all received messages and direction from non physical forces which directed them to write their books and create their own movements.


As Barbara so articulately asserts

“As one by one individuals change their mindsets from money as fear, greed, lack and anger, to love, joy, abundance and goodwill, the collective mindset will also slowly begin to change."

Reserve your place at the (Healing) Money Talks Summit, with the opportunity to buy the entire series of conversations to keep.

The Summit

​I have known for two years that I have a part to play in shifting the consciousness of money and it is for this reason that I decided to create this summit.


I am fascinated by how money and abundance are perceived in both personal and collective consciousness.


Money is more than paper, coins and bits.


Personally, I don’t go along with the idea that “money is energy” 


However, I do believe that money moves along energetic lines and when those lines are lines of care, love, gratitude and appreciation, the consciousness will change and it will be so.


I have met some truly beautiful people on my exploration of money.


Through these conversations, I am bringing some of these people together in order for them to share their experiences.  


Exploring our relationship with money inevitably leads us to explore our relationships with ourselves.


My speakers have all experienced shifts in their relationships with themselves and with money and through these shifts they have been able to welcome more abundance into their lives.  Not just bigger bank accounts, but more love, more health and a more easeful relationship with time.


I love to support people in shifting their perceptions of money, to find a way to heal the past and to allow money to move freely around all our lives with ease and flow - receiving it with love and spending it with love. 


Money is simply an exchange of value and when we are able to receive money with ease, this is a reflection of our capacity to value ourselves and our unique gifts.

As well as my keynote speakers - Jeff Vander Clute , Louis Böhtlingk, Sarah Jennings and Barbara Wilder, I have invited people I met through Sarah McCrum’s community to share their own personal stories and experiences of working with the Consciousness of Money.

In keeping with the content of the conversations...

You can buy the entire series to keep.

Please choose the price which suits you best, considering your appreciation and personal budget.

£66, £99 or £123 / One time payment

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