Resilient Teens








Challenging times for parents and teenagers


Life as teenagers has become fraught with so many challenges that never existed in previous eras. As the adults in their lives we have struggled to figure out how to support them. Technology has brought the world into our children's bedrooms and opened doors that were previous hard to access for young people. Now more than ever we need innovative approaches to keep our teenagers on the Deen of Islam. 


Back To The Fitrah Mentoring provides a unique approach that teaches teenagers to connect with their Fitrah, their innate emotional and spiritual resilience. 

Emotional & Spiritual Resilience

The Resilient Teen is developed from the evidence based S.P.A.R.K. Curriculum for ages 13-25 years and is directed towards high school students and/or early university level students.


Tackling the issues of stress, self-esteem, confidence, good decision making and a lot more that gives them the foundation for reaching their potential in adult life while navigating the challenges they are currently facing as teens.

Why this is important ...

The Back To The Fitrah Program increases connectedness, reduces risk factors and builds resiliency to promote emotional & spiritual well-being and school success in youth.


    The outcomes are increased:

    • positive connection with themselves, parents & others
    • resilience
    • impulse control
    • problem-solving, decision-making, & conflict-resolution skills
    • communication skills
    • positive outlook and greater sense of well-being
    • academic success
    • self- confidence and self-worth
    • self-regulation
    • engagement in positive relationships
    • connection to Allah

    Emotional & Spiritual Reboot for Teens


    Session 1 - The Human Experience


    You experiencing You!

    Yep! That’s Thought too.


    Session 2 - Great decision making

    Your personal guide to making decisions

    I’m not thinking, I’m on autopilot

    How mood, state of mind impairs judgment and reason


    Session 3 - The emotional rollercoaster

    Surviving mood swings

    Finding your inner guidance during stress

    Feeling fear and insecurity without being limited by them


    Session 4 - Allah created you perfect just the way you are

    Self-esteem is you natural state

    Understanding self image

    Celebrating the beautiful person you are


    Session 5 - Separate realities

    Discovering that everyone is living a separate reality

    Acceptance of everyone despite our differences

    Finding compassion and appreciation of others when judgement falls away


    Session 6 - Health Relationships

    Understanding the link between separate realities and state of mind

    Building good communication skills

    Identifying the foundation of meaningful relationships


    Session 7 - Conflict

    Finding clarity in conflict

    Communicating with confidence, courage and calm

    Understanding the line between conflict and abuse


    Session 8 - Social media

    How social media is wiring the teen brain

    Healthy social media behaviours

    I don’t need likes to be OK


    Session 9 - Leadership

    Community engagement, how to be involved

    Mentoring and leading from the inside out

    Bullying prevention from the inside out


    Session 10 - Life Skills

    Understanding the possibilities and potential within you, showing up as your best self


    Book a call to discuss running the Resilient Teen program in your school or community

    "The achievement of mental stability and peace of mind is one thought away from everyone on earth ... if you can find that one thought."

    Sydney Banks, The Missing Link