EPISODE 19 > Isolation, Self Love, Body Acceptance and Human Design with SARAH MENLOVE | Emotional Projector 6/2

This episode of Lotus Life The Podcast with Rose Tautari is an “in conversation” episode with the incredible Sarah Menlove (an Emotional Projector 6/2)  who brings her mission to help women with their self love and body acceptance journeys back to the podcast! We had a chat about this “lockdown life” and how that has been bringing to the surface for many women old fears around body image, relationship with food and exercise, how it has affected routines and rituals, and how that process of getting in touch with your true inner self and empowering yourself with a deep sense of self love can really help with a time that IS challenging. There is so much from a Human Design perspective that our souls are all uniquely here for, which we get into during this conversation; diving into how getting in touch with your inner why and purpose goes hand in hand with your self love journey.




Be prepared to share this one with your friends! And when you do tag @rosetautari and let me know so that I can see what you enjoyed the most from our chat!



" How can I own all parts of me?

How can embody, embrace and love the dark and the light?
The yin and the yang
The fire that rages within me
The anger
The hurt
The deep pain at the state of the world
The gentleness
The softness
The little girl longing to be held
The wild woman
The playfulness
The sensuality
The ecstatic joy
How can I take up space as all of me in a world that only wants to see some of me?
How can I dance all of these parts into rememberance?
All divine
Denial of nothing
Welcoming of all
Sweet surrender
When I dance she shows herself and finally I allow her to be seen, felt, moved, as she wanted to be all along.
Here I am."


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