Please enjoy our Pre-Sale offer by clicking the button below.
The information below is for general comparison of regular pricing, for after the Pre-Sale has ended, and is not currently applicable. However, prices are subject to change and may actually be different when the Pre-Sale has ended. Thank You for understanding as we adjust and scale during this growth period of the network.
Levels For All Abilities!

Access to Levels Details
EN Exercise Network provides "Levels" for a growing list of exercises. There are 23 Levels to work through! Whether you're just starting out exercising, in recovery from an injury, fresh from rehabilitation, in average physical condition, a seasoned fitness buff, or a world-record setting champion, there are a multitude of exciting challenges awaiting that will keep you engaged in exercise and improving your fitness!
A Voluntary Social Network
It's a well-known fact that people are motivated and inspired by others in both a cooperative social group and a supportive competitive setting. EN Exercise Network facilitates both. Become your BEST self!
A Voluntary Ranking System
You may opt to take and Pass "Official Tests" to earn a Ranking in the network. Ranks are titled by colors (like martial arts belts). Currently adjudicated by The EN admin via video submissions, (in the future, there are plans to make it a community-driven effort) members may earn Ranks and acquire Ranked EN Shirts! How far can you "Evolve" (Rank Up)?
There are 2 Membership Types: Social and Solo.