Where Have You Gone??

MAR 9/The Wanderlust Collective/

Art, Inspiration, Lifestyle, Tips

How many times must I walk past you and wonder……….what will I do with you? Maybe put you in hiding so I don’t have to think of you again? But, alas, you creep up in the corners of my subconscious like a bad dream, kicking and screaming like a child who wants candy. I give….I give!


Can you hear the violin playing in the background?


Ok, enough with the melodramatics. What do you do when you have unfinished work lying around? Well, finish it of course, but it’s not that easy is it?


I have a few pieces of art stored that I started years ago. I got bored, or inpatient or just felt like it wasn’t interesting anymore.  We are our own worst enemies. No bueno! So, I am on a quest to finish what I started. It’s like my father always said, and that other guy. If you make your bed every morning you would have accomplished your first task of the day. Now, I am on a journey to finish everything I started! Well, maybe not everything, but you get it.


Here are some things I’ve been doing that have helped me tremendously, and will help you when you put it into action.


by Margie Resto

Here are some things I’ve been doing that have helped me tremendously, and will help you when you put it into action.​”

I take one of my unfinished pieces and lay it on the floor, along with one or two books on my favorite artists. Then I flip thru the books, look at the images, the colors and get my brain going, I get myself into painting mode so to speak. Then, I grab my painting, and if the background is unfinished, I start there. #4 Usually my pieces are figures, and the backgrounds have always been a challenge.

I ask myself what is this piece about? Yeah, because I stored it away years ago remember?  I don’t even remember, ha..ha.. Finally, I just start working and focusing on one part at a time. Next thing you know you’re finished. You have ignited that spark that once was.


Here is a short video on Inspiration from my Introduction to Fundamentals Master Class for Beginners. 

Finding Inspiration

Produced by The Wanderlust Collective

"Where Do We Go From Here?"

I love to hear from my followers, what get’s you going? What tips and tricks can you give me?  Let me know in the comments below. Keep going, push yourself to tackle each problem that might arise, by the time you know it, you would have made your bed……eerr I mean finished your piece. Ta..da..!  


Happy Painting!



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