Sailing Fast


When is a sailboat going the fastest?


You might guess that the boat is at its fastest speed when the wind is right behind the boat, pushing at the sails.


But that is not the case.


A sailboat will sail the fastest when the wind is at a 90-degree angle to the boat.  And, get this, at this angle it is possible for some boats to go faster than the wind speed.


The thing is, when the wind is directly behind the boat, the sail's job is to just catch the wind and let the wind push the boat along.


But when the boat is angled to the wind, the sail's job is to act like a wing on an airplane.  Wind moving across the sail creates lift which makes the boat speed along.


I will often use the metaphor on myself when I face a challenge.


I won't go my fastest by turning completely away from it and putting it at my back.  I will go my fastest by using the challenge to create lift and help me speed along. 

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