Self mastery is for everyone, BUT not everyone is ready for “self mastery”.
It’s curious, isn’t it? How we yearn to explore and reach our inner most possibilities and expansive nature. We want it, we know we want it. We just find it too hard to actually make the commitment to be devoted to ourselves for long enough to experience it.
We want the good health, the clear mind, the revelation and all the other “holy” and “sacred” things that come with feeling good enough. Without actually feeling good enough. Yep. We have indeed fallen into, most of the time, fix me, promise me, and make it fast. We are essentially relying on a mind that is, at its foundations, in a lack of belief.
Mind over matter, right? Nope.
Not if the very matter that the mind is of is in a less than savoury state. When you plant a seed. You prepare the soil. It’s not something that can be forgotten about. The mind is no different.
Ever wonder why you just can’t stick to things?
Why you just can’t be consistent, whether slow or fast in your life, with anything?
Or why you are slipping on your very own intentions and lacking focus?
Because, matter over mind is the soil for mind over matter. Let’s talk.
Matter over mind is my gift to you and to myself. Anytime I get to share my thoughts with another human, I too get to experience the contemplation of that.
Let’s talk about our lack of true belief, shall we?
This is a truth we dust over with fancy copy, content and rose tinted glasses A LOT. Let's talk about the pushing aside of the body to call in and “manifest”. Everyone wants to be the 100 meter winner, but who actually wants to train for the 100 meters? This is all opportunity.
Matter over Mind is my totally free 2 hours Masterclass.
You’ll get to listen to me ramble on about the mastery of self.
We will explore the why’s, how’s, and how comes that plague our lack of commitment. What even is commitment? This class will explore the foundations of self-mastery. Belief. And how it the body.
How deep is yours?
Let’s hang out.
Dr. Michelle Patrick is a self-mastery revolutionist. She is a clinical doctor of naturopathic and Chinese medicine, studying at Westminster and Kingston University, also The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine. As well as her clinical practice, Michelle is an experienced researcher, lecturer and self-mastery coach, with a belief that the human body is capable of great self-healing when the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies are aligned and treated as a whole as opposed to symptomatically.
Through her dedicated clinical practice and teachings, she awakens this capability through her patients and clients, by not only supporting them with treatment application, but providing them with a framework that supports an empowered role in their own radical realization and mastery.
Michelle encourages self observation and self actualization in the re-education of the human form from a poetic and philosophical perspective, re-igniting awe and empowering the activation of the inner physician. This allows people to feel in control of their physical, emotional, and mental healing journeys, inspiring radical self love along the way. Traditional means of education can be disempowering. Through her dedicated vision and poignant teachings, Michelle encourages self-mastery as a way of not only changing her clients’ worlds, but the world itself.
Michelle is one of the pioneers of ERC (Emotional Resonance Clearing), a groundbreaking emotional clearing technique that combines Chinese Five Element theory and philosophy with kinesiology techniques. She is currently training practitioners globally.
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