Your abundant life begins with your personal clarity. 

Examine your intentions and define the path to your unlimited and abundant life.

This is easier said than done, but it is not impossible. Our personal development programs

are designed to support your journey toward discovering your true intentions,

building skills to recognize your gifts and learning to use them to create the life you desire.


The personal development journey is grounded in one mantra:

“I invite clarity, alignment, discipline, health and abundance with my full intentions.”


The five principles of the mantra begin with Clarity

Clarity means getting an understanding of and coming into agreement with the purpose and gifts God uniquely designed in you.


Followed by, Alignment, which occurs when your intentions, values, beliefs and behavior mirror your purpose.


Discipline is the decision to regulate your thoughts and behaviors as a demonstration of your clarity.


Health involves assessing your physical, mental, financial, relational and spiritual health for balance and empowerment. 


Abundance is the totality of operating with clarity in your purpose.


This 5 week program includes a weekly live guided meditation with Dr. Phildra, daily meditations and the Yes and Amen journal/resources.


This 4 month program includes access to one validated assessment tool, access to course dashboard, private community and  live coaching with Dr. Swagger.


All individualized coaching agreements are customized to client needs.

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