I love to introduce you to my signature online course, Confident with Conflict Program – perfectly designed for both individuals looking  to get better at conflict resolution in their personal and professional life and for businesses to manage conflict effectively in the workplace.  

Everyone has conflict in their life. Conflict is something that we deal with on a daily basis – at home, at work, and in the communities that we are part of. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from or how much money you make.


Through working with a wide range of clients over many years as a specialist in conflict resolution, I have realised that the majority of people in our community don’t get taught how to deal with conflict in an effective way. Not at school, not at University (unless you do a specific course on this) and often not in the workplace either. Yet somehow it is expected that we all know what to do when it comes to conflict resolution.

Conflict is very impactful. 
It impacts people’s happiness with their families,
at work and in life in general.


This is why I have created the Confident With Conflict online course. Conflict can be very positive but you have to be able to manage it well. Most people don’t like conflict and actively avoid it. We all hope it will go away, but never does. So it is important to learn how to deal with conflict in a positive and constructive way.

Imagine that you would be able to deal with conflict well and you would not shy away from it. What would your life look like then? Most of the time when I ask this question, people answer it with: I would have so much more freedom, peace of mind, time and money, and I would experience more happiness.

That is why I felt it absolutely necessary to develop this program and make it available to anyone wanting to learn how to manage conflict positively. I want to teach you the fundamentals of conflict resolution so you can experience more freedom, peace of mind and happiness in your life.

What does the course consist of?

If you are interested in gaining skills in conflict resolution,
and having more peace of mind and happiness in your life, SIGN UP TODAY!

What will you learn in this course?

  • You will practise how to have difficult conversations.

  • Learn to deal with internal conflict.

  • You will learn how  ongoing internal conflict that we all experience as human beings gets in the way of you achieving what you want to achieve and what you can do about it.

  • Recognise the positive and negative aspects of conflict, and what causes it.

  • How different culture types can impact conflict and conflict resolution.

  • Understand natural human responses to conflict and the strategies you can use to deal with them.

  • Recognise the 4 main conflict management styles and how they can affect relationships and conflict resolution.

  • Understand what perception is and how it works. Distinguish perception from facts and truths.

  • Recognise how perception impacts conflict resolution, and use perception strategies to resolve conflict.

  • Recognise the impact of not listening - use listening as a tool for conflict resolution.

  • How to take responsibility for and drive the conflict resolution process.

  • You will learn clear steps on how to resolve conflict and how to drive a conflict resolution process.

This course is designed to be interactive and address the different learning styles that people have. In each module there will be a video lesson accompanied by clear slides which clearly set out and clarify what I am discussing.

The course comes with a comprehensive workbook that you can download and work through, and refer to at any time during or after the program. If you are interested in gaining skills in conflict resolution, and having more peace of mind and happiness in your life, sign up today!

Do You Need Real Results?

Read how Lisanne's Training
has helped others:

Lisanne has facilitated corporate mediation skills and negotiation skills training programs for the Australian Mediation Association (AMA). We have always received positive feedback from clients who have been extremely satisfied with her professionalism and delivery of content. The participants of Lisanne’s mediation and negotiation skills training have reported back that her style of facilitating was engaging and conducted in a way so that attendees gained practical actions immediately that they could implement in their jobs the next day. The teams reported that they worked better with clients and achieved better results when they had to resolve conflict within their own work groups and with staff after attending the training.

Lisanne Iriks has worked as a lecturer at Murdoch University for the last 5 years, developing and delivering a high-quality learning program in the areas of Dispute/Conflict Resolution and Mediation. This has been made available for mainly law students but also those in non-law disciplines have found the unit highly valuable.

Lisanne is always professional and presents with enthusiasm, making the classes interesting and enjoyable for the students. Lisanne is flexible in her approach and adapts to the different audiences and skill levels, so that everyone can understand the content and make use of the materials provided. Lisanne engages the class with relevant experiences and activities and takes on feedback provided by the students, adjusting her delivery as necessary.

The Dispute Resolution and Mediation units are very popular among the students and are critical skills that everyone needs, regardless of the career or profession they are in. The students particularly appreciate learning from someone in the profession, who can share their passion for the subject matter and provide examples of real situations and scenario, resulting in a better learning experience.

Lisanne is a pleasure to work with, she is reliable and knowledgeable and very passionate about this subject, with the desire to build the capacity in others to be effective conflict resolvers themselves. I would highly recommend Lisanne to deliver a motivating and uplifting learning experience in the areas of Dispute/Conflict Resolution and Mediation.

Lisanne facilitates and enables leadership by developing strong relationships with her clients and coaching for success. She genuinely cares about her people and they trust her to guide them towards the best outcomes. She has a natural self expression that puts people at ease while inspiring courage and bold action. People gravitate to Lisanne because they like who they become through her engagement.

Contact Us

Phone: 0412 233 752

Life Mediation offers a range of programs, workshops and online training.
We also tailor programs to suit your specific business needs.