To date we have 100+ published live coaching call podcasts (you can view 50+ highlights on our Results Page) where we walk entrepreneurs who we’ve never met before, through the UpLevel Mind Coaching process and provide them with a breakthrough about how their head trash is the bottleneck in their business.
In fact, our average time to breakthrough is 43.7min (including context building questions at the beginning).
It is also why our program comes with a 100% Full Money Back Guarantee.
In short, we put our money where our mouth is. If you don’t see and feel the difference inside yourself and how it translates to creating more inside your business, then we will refund your money invested in the program.
While we cannot give you a complete answer without ever having met you the reality is this: we haven't met anyone who fit the criteria of our program that we have not been able to help.
This is why we lead with full transparency and confidence in terms of delivering transformational coaching:
➡Published 130+ live coaching call breakthroughs with entrepreneurs we've never met
➡Highlight 50 mini case studies on our Results Page
➡Provide an underheard of guarantee for our program
This is also why our application process is rigorous as we do not accept people into our program that are beyond the scope of what we do.
Bottom line: if anything we've mentioned remotely resonates with you and you feel like you fit the criteria we list on our Application Page, then chances are good that we can help you get unstuck, get out of your own way and create your business and life without the friction created by your head trash.
While our program is not therapy nor does it diagnose mental illness, we do specialize in helping you break the mental and emotional patterns keeping many entrepreneurs from experiencing increased profit and fulfillment inside their business. This is a general list of what we help clients with:
➡Imposter syndrome
➡Negative self-talk
➡Entrepreneur-specific stresses (feast and famine rev. cycles, team building and management, isolation, pressure of keeping everything going)
➡Inner critic/judge
➡Trouble setting boundaries
➡Fears of all kinds: the future, the past, sales calls, conflict, lack of money, what to do with too much money, clients, difficult conversations, failure, success
➡Low self esteem
➡Money blocks
➡Trouble delegating
➡Control issues
➡Trouble letting go
➡Excessive ruminating and/or constant doom loop narratives
➡Ongoing concern about the future
➡Problematic habits (overworking, underworking, distraction, avoidance, emotional eating, overdrinking, isolation)
➡Hesitation to increase prices to reflect value and/or work less
➡Feeling perpetually stressed (overwhelm, anxiousness about overworking, guilt about not working, constant state of worry)
➡Rejection fears
➡Not doing what you know you need to do esp. if you know it would move you forward
➡Never feeling good enough regardless of success
➡Concern about how others perceive you
➡People pleasing
➡Fear of public speaking
➡Avoiding any kind of confrontation
➡Avoidance of important tasks esp. ones critical to your success
➡Trouble focusing and over distraction
➡Inability to plan/dream about the future
➡Believing others can make their vision a reality but not you
…and so much more.
No, the focus of the program is on helping evolve the human behind the entrepreneur not teach them business skills. This is why we are very selective in ensuring that the business owners we work with are already “established”. This means they’ve honed the basics enough to get to at least 100k/year inside their business.
We do this because no amount of “mindset work” can make up for a skill gap and this is why we work with entrepreneurs who have already invested and proven the business skills but are holding themselves back from implementing those to their fullest potential.
In an indirect way, most definitely!
Just like a rising tide raises all boats, when you show up as your fullest self without any self limiting thoughts, feelings or actions your ability to create the dream life and business vision you have also rises.
This is why a key component of our program is working on creating peace, enthusiasm and confidence around your UpLeveled Actions (the things you hesitate doing but you know move the needle forward in expanding your business) and Success Embodiment (to clarify and clear any doubt around stepping into your highest vision).
The program was specifically designed for entrepreneurs who are busy by default so efficiency was built in from day 1. The time investment for you week to week will only be 1 - 3 hours depending on what you are working with your coach.
Firstly, kudos to you for investing in your own betterment!
Secondly, if you are someone who’s invested in (or currently in) business courses/masterminds/coaching etc. then you actually fit the first criteria of our program! We don’t work with entrepreneurs who have a skill gap in terms of business basics (offer, sales, systems etc.) and/or have not proven they can get to a minimum of 100k/year. Thus, if you are at that level then think of the UpLevel Mind program as the gasoline on top of the fire you’ve already started creating.
Thirdly, if you’ve done any kind of therapy or inner evolution work then you are coming into the UpLevel Mind program with a “bonus”. This means the work you’ve done so far has served you in establishing a base of awareness that has gotten you to where you are now, and we can use that to springboard into dialing exactly what remaining as the final bottleneck to your next level of success.
In general, no.
The UpLevel Mind Coaching Process is designed specifically with entrepreneurs in mind and we know they have to be on to run their businesses while going through the program. Thus, most clients report that the process is actually empowering and something they look forward to as it directly helps them perform better inside their business.
That being said, there are times when the transformation for the client does lead to some heavy emotions or realizations but it’s nothing that we can’t help you work through and process without major interruptions to you.
No. The Uplevel Mind Program is not therapy nor are our coaches certified therapists.
While we are big fans of therapy and have had many clients go through therapy while working with us, the overall goal of the program differs from most therapeutic approaches.
In general, therapy is great for giving you deeper clarity about your past and more awareness around why you are the way you are right now. The UpLevel Mind Coaching Process is focused on removing any blocks you have now and focusing your new found evolution towards creating the grandest vision you have for yourself and your business.
Don’t expect to “be” anyone but your fullest, most expressed and confident self. The reality of what we do isn’t in “fixing you” (Spoiler alert: you’re not actually broken!), it’s in helping you remove the thoughts, feelings and actions that have created the business stagnation you are experiencing now.
Once removed, the space is open for you to step into your fullest expression as an entrepreneur and create the boldest vision of your business!
We give you a full 30 days to go through the program AND the coaching and if you feel like you're not experiencing shifts in a positive direction (as defined by YOU), let us know and you’ll get a full refund.
You have nothing to lose as you get to keep full access to the online materials of the program including all of the tools, trainings and bonuses that are provided upon signing up.
You will receive a full refund of your payment if you are not 100% satisfied.
All we ask is that you give the program an honest commitment before deciding that it is not for you. We're fully transparent about what an "honest commitment" means, which you can find out about on our Guarantee Page.
Drasko Raicevic
UpLevel Mind Program Creator
About UpLevel Mind
UpLevel Mind unpacks and eliminates the root causes of head trash that keep established entrepreneurs from experiencing more fulfilment and growth in their business.
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UpLevel Mind Guarantee
As showcased by publishing Before/After Case Studies of client transformations, 50 published rapid breakthroughs, 200+ live coach call recordings on the podcast and a 43.7min average time to breakthrough, the UpLevel Mind Program works.
That's why it's backed by a full 100% Money Back Guarantee. Click here to learn more.
The Peacefully Ambitious CEO Workshop:
How to go From a Frazzled Business Owner Drowning in Overwhelm, Overwork and Overstress Into a Thriving, Fulfilled Business Leader
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