Will a narcissist come back
10 February 2023
When a narcissistic partner leaves a relationship, it can be a confusing and painful experience. Many people wonder if their ex-partner will ever come back, or if they have truly moved on. While there is no way to predict the behavior of any individual narcissist, there are some general patterns that may help shed light on whether or not a narcissistic ex-partner is likely to return.
...they may be more likely to come back to a relationship if they feel like they are missing out on something...
One thing to keep in mind is that narcissists often struggle with feelings of inadequacy and a need for constant validation. This means that they may be more likely to come back to a relationship if they feel like they are missing out on something or if they feel like they need to prove their worth to themselves or others. In some cases, a narcissistic ex-partner may come back simply because they want to regain control over the other person.
On the other hand, it's also possible that a narcissistic ex-partner will never come back. Narcissists are known for their tendency to devalue and discard partners once they feel like they are no longer useful or interesting. This means that if a narcissistic ex-partner has moved on to a new relationship or has found another source of validation, they may not see any reason to return to a previous partner.
Ultimately, whether or not a narcissistic ex-partner comes back depends on a variety of factors, including their own personal tendencies and motivations, as well as the circumstances of the relationship. However, it's important to remember that a healthy relationship should never be based on a constant need for validation or control. If a narcissistic ex-partner does come back, it's important to assess whether or not the relationship is truly fulfilling and healthy, or if it is simply repeating the same unhealthy patterns as before.
If you are struggling with a narcissistic ex-partner, it's important to seek support from friends, family, or a mental health professional. A therapist can help you understand the dynamics of your past relationship, identify any patterns or warning signs to look out for in the future, and develop strategies for building healthier, more fulfilling relationships in the future. With time, patience, and support, it is possible to heal from the pain of a narcissistic relationship and move on to a happier and healthier future.
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Amber Newman
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Will a narcissist come back
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