How Do I Get My Business From Where It Is To Where I Want It To Be?

December 15, 2019  |  BY KATI MOLCHAN

Most of you all, even if you're never formally stated it or written it down, probably have a next-level business goal.   Business owners are typically always looking to improve in some way or another...


For the sake of this blog post, I  want you to think of your goal in terms of revenue.  Everyone knows what revenue is and it is easy to conceptualize.


I know that that might not always be your goal, but since that is easy to picture that’s what we will use for this conversation.


What is your next revenue goal?  


Okay.. think of that goal right now…We are going to call that point B.  You want to get to point B.


Good.  So now how are you going to get there?


Unfortunately what most people do is just keep on doing what they have always done…


And if you keep on doing what you've always done, you're going to get what you've always gotten.

So how do you get from where you are to point B?


You act like and run your business as if you are already at point B.


If you’ve read the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey you’ve already heard of this.  He calls it “Begin with the End in Mind.”  I think it is habit #2.


And long before I had ever even ready anything by Covey my sister gave me similar advice when I graduated from college.


 And that advice was to dress for the job you want, not the job you have.


So this isn't anything new that I've invented, it's just good old solid advice 

In my words - If you want to be a million-dollar business, then you have to act like a million-dollar business.  (or whatever revenue goal you pictured.  I"m going to used million dollars because its and easy reference)


If you act like and do the things that a $200,000 business owner, then you'll have a $200,000 business


You have to be, in your mind, a million-dollar business owner...and do the things that a million-dollar business owners does in order to reach your goal of being a million-dollar business.


So let me throw out some examples…

  • Do you think that 7 figure business owners are out on every single job micromanaging every little thing that happens? No! They do not!  They train their good employees so they have competent crew leaders that can take some, if not all, of the field management off their plates.


  • Do you think that 7 figure business owners do all their own paperwork/billing/payroll AND work in the field all day? No! They hire help!


And I know you're doing to be thinking "I can afford to hire XYZ"  You don't have to hire a huge team all at once, but what CAN you do?  


Can you spend a couple of hours a week training one of your employees so they can be a leader start taking some of the field management off your plate?


Can you hire part-time office help? An in-person or online virtual assistant or bookkeeper?


Start with what you CAN do and work from there.


It's all about working from that Point B…


Where you want to be.


Here's a great example of working from point B.


In our Million Dollar Academy, once a month we provide our members with an already written blog post.  


Members can use these as a blog post on their website…


They can put it in a newsletter that they snail mail or email their customers…

They can throw it up on their social media...whatever and however works for their business…


I'm sure at first they might have been like, yea, okay this membership is supposed to be for landscaping businesses…


Why the heck are you giving us this? I don't have time for this nonsense! I have to run my crews, do the billing, line up name it.  What is a stupid blog post going to do for me? 


Well, that is a $200,000 business owner’s way of thinking, not a million-dollar CEO way of thinking.


Million-dollar landscaping business owners know that search engines like google like blog posts and that we just gave them a gold mind of search engine optimization (SEO) material.  


And that information is what gets your business found online.


And the more people that find you, the more customers you get.  


The more customers you get the more money you make. 


Luckily once we explained it I think they caught on…


So please, don't let your "current" business owner mindset block you from thinking like a million-dollar CEO.

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