Online coaching with a side of food freedom

Fit and Balanced Coaching is an online fitness and health company founded by Jacey Lamb (otherwise known as @jaceylynfit on the gram). Through individual coaching programs, our Facebook community, free resources, and more - Fit and Balanced teaches women how to build bodies (and lifestyles) they love!


We believe health and fitness is more than learning how to lose weight, build muscle, and have a physical transformation. It's about falling in love with yourself again and becoming the healthiest, happiest, and most confident YOU there is.


Our mission is more than helping women lose weight and tone up - we empower women to become the best version of themselves inside and out. The physical results of our clients are just the tip of the iceberg. We want every client to walk away feeling confident in her skin but also, loving her lifestyle and the food she's eating daily!


We only do things the fit and #balanced way.

Hi-Hello! It's me, Jacey.

I started Fit and Balanced with one thing in mind: empowering women to empower themselves. After a grueling four-year journey trying my best to satisfy toxic diet culture, I realized that none of it was working. Not the 1200 calorie diet, not the intense cardio sessions, and definitely not avoiding carbs. 


So I decided to pave my own way. I got certified as a personal trainer and schooled myself on all things human biology. In other words, I went back to the science. 

You know what I learned? The only way to truly get fit and stay that way is to team up with your body rather than working against it. I’m talking about a holistic health approach.


So yeah, that’s what we do here at FAB. We eat pizza, lift heavy weights, make #memoriesovermacros, and have a whole lot of fun doing it. Wanna join the crew?

Check out our Transformations

If you're not part of our FREE Facebook Community - you're missing out on weekly live trainings and free coaching.

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle, work on body recomp, or simply build a healthier relationship with food and your body...

we have you covered.

This is holistic health.

I got so much more from this program than I ever thought I would. I now know how to eat well and track the macros that my body needs. I know how to work out properly and effectively. I have learned how to love myself and my body.

Fit and Balanced has helped me achieve the knowledge and tools I was hoping to gain and so much more. I now feel confident in my ability to plan and make well rounded meals and strength train in the gym, lifting heavy weights like I never have before.

I was skeptical about joining but this has literally changed my life. You’ve taught me everything I need to know to reach my goals, I’m confident I can keep going down this path.


How to listen to your body, take rest days, and hit your workouts because you love your body—not because you hate it.


There’s no such thing as bad food, there are only foods with more nutrition or less nutrition. We eat 80% whole foods and 20% soul foods.


We focus on helping you get the most out of your workout splits without dominating your daily planner. The best part is, you’ll have way more free time while still seeing amazing results.


Our coaches believe in fitting your fitness and nutrition into your lifestyle—not the other way around.




Fit and Balanced Coaching © 2021