Who is this for?

If you're ready to work toward healing, wholeness, and living life from a place of abundance instead of depletion, if you're ready to put in the work to make the changes, then you're in the right place!

  • Permission to Dream Again

    Learn about the purpose of desires, identify your goals in all the arenas of your life, and build routines to help you manage distractions.

  • Designing Self Image

    Discover how your self-worth was wired, replace negative self-talk and create a new self-image.

  • Intentional Contribution

    Become a confident woman through competance. Create a peaceful home and work environment. Create your own definition of SUCCESS and an action plan to pursue it. 

  • Effective Communication

    Learn skills and scripts for healthy boundaries. Heal wounds from your family of origin. Cultivate meaningful connections in friendships, marriage, mothering, and business. 

  • Mind Management

    Learn to manage your thoughts, beliefs, words, emotions, stress, critics & disappointments. Manage your time and activites. 

  • The Art

    Integrate your desires and learn how to strategically show up so you can create impact and leave a legacy. 

How does it work?

There are many great books and courses on personal development, homemaking, mothering, marriage, etc. out there. What makes this program different? Because it isn't just information. This program adds FORMATION to the information to result in TRANSFORMATION. 

Weekly Video Lessons

Watch or listen to the video with January Donovan, founder of The Woman School, as she lays out the content in such a crystal clear way that you'll wonder "where has this information been all my life?" 

Do The Homework

Each lesson has specific worksheets and guided journaling exercises that help you dive deep into the content and into your own life to see how you can make true, lasting progress. 

What's Included

If you have ever wanted a guide to help you learn the skills and mindset to live with more confidence, this is the time!

  • Art of Being a Woman Masterclass

  • Private Facebook Group

  • You can get support and encouragement from me as I guide you and hold you accountable on this journey of transformation.

arenas of a woman's live


What Other Women Are Saying

I am in month 2 of the Art of Being a Woman Masterclass. This course has drawn me back to the Lord in new ways. It is speaking truth to my heart, and freeing me to be who I am created to be. I am becoming aware of where I need growth, and developing new skills to achieve that growth. 

I was mentally stuck in emotions of the past, and am going through a process of being freed. 

This course truly is an answer to prayer for mind transformation. 

When I asked my husband about the course he said " it's making life better".


The Woman School has been the most life-changing thing I have ever done in my life. As a mother of six children and owning my own business, I was always exhausted from trying to keep everything going well, never making any time for myself. As I have taken the ART OF BEING A WOMAN Masterclass, I have learned and implemented so many practical skills that have literally CHANGED our entire family life and marriage. As the mother, we are the heart of the home, and everyone else’s demeanor and life spirals off of us. Through this class, I have learned that it’s not selfish of me to receive, but rather it’s selfish to not make time for my own growth, because we cannot give when we are empty. 

Mary Katherine

I have become the woman that I have always ached to be and did not think was possible. Finding a deeper level of healing and freedom that I never knew existed. Learning skills and equipped with the tools to rise up, to dream, finding my life’s purpose and setting the world on fire.


Take the Next Step

You were created to be whole.

You were created to thrive.

You CAN learn the skills and mindset to live from abundance and confidence!