Break the Chains of Dieting and Emotional Eating

How would it feel to no longer count points, track calories, weigh your food, or worry about if certain foods will cause you to gain weight?

How motivated would you feel...

...if you had a system that stopped the overwhelm and frustration of trying to figure out what to eat for your body to lose weight AND keep it off.

How would your confidence change...

...if you had an easy way of eating  where you can still eat what you WANT to eat while maintaining a positive sense of being in CONTROL

How would your belief in yourself change...

...if you were able to stop regaining the weight without going on another diet or taking away from the precious time you have, even if you work 12-hour shifts...

  • A woman who works in healthcare and you're tired of the yo-yo dieting to lose weight.

  • You're a busy woman who is done with taking time away from family and friends because the strategy you're using to lose weight takes too much time.

  • Tired of seeing others at your job or friends find more success 

  • Simply ready for this whole emotional eating and weight regain to come to an end  

  • An action taker who is going to actually take the training and put it into practice


IS not for you IF YOU ARE:

  • Skeptical about whether not eating fewer calories is the way to go

  • Not willing to invest in yourself until life "settles down"

  • Expecting a magic "easy button" or quick fix - because learning to end emotional eating and stop regaining weight is a long-term skill

  • Not willing to take consistent action

Hi! I’m Pamela!


I help you to break the chains of dieting and emotional eating so you can keep the weight off and let your best self shine. That’s right #freedom!


I am a registered nurse, certified health coach, and am known as The Reformed Dieter. I reformed my ways and no longer diet and I will teach you how to do the same! Dieting doesn’t work for the long term and it makes you feel like a failure, discouraged, and feeling all alone.


I am on a mission to help busy women go from burned out, exhausted, unhealthily overweight, and eating their feelings to rejuvenated, energized, at their optimal healthy weight and no longer eating their feelings.  I am the creator of the 3 Pillar Personalized Weight Loss Method.


I am a cat mama to two rescued cats and some people call me a cat whisperer. I am also a speaker, international bestselling author, and avid reader. I love to travel and spend time with my family.