"Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better;

it's about befriending who we are already."

~ Pema Chodron

  • be able to meditate wherever you are - even if you're nowhere near a phone or computer - while having the choice to meditate with others when you don't want to be alone

  • Maintain a drama-free, consistent, and ENJOYABLE

    daily meditation practice

    so that you can live your life feeling the way you WANT to.

  • How much you participate is up to you

    practice only on your own using the tools of the month, or dive all the way in and use all the resources available to you - the choice is yours! 

  • Ask your questions whenever they arise

    ask me (Rebecca) a question live during class, or submit a question inside the membership at any time to receive a written response. In Daily Roots, you'll always be supported. 

Become a Daily Roots Member Today

Thinking about joining

this amazing group of humans

who are committed and excited to connect? 

We are here, waiting for you. 

What's possible...

Rebecca has an incredible way of making meditation practice achievable and attainable for anyone even with no prior experience. The biggest challenge with meditation is not your personal self discipline, but having step by step guidance, and Rebecca provides that in a structured and highly accessible way. Meditation is not a DYI, learn it from instagram practice. It’s something that requires the support and care of a teacher. Hands down, Rebecca provides the highest level of the two.

Matt Giordano, International Yoga Teacher

Burning Questions from your fellow

well-being seekers before they grabbed their

seat inside this community...

My mind is REALLY busy, can I really do this? Can I really meditate? My concern is that my mind is too busy to reap the benefits you’re talking about.

I’ve tried to meditate before, but it didn’t work - or I didn’t get the results I'd hoped I’d get. What's different about this course that will help me meditate and get the results I’m seeking?

What if I realize that this membership isn’t for me after I’ve already enrolled and tried a couple of the practices?

I’m so excited yet I’m still kind of on the fence, would you chat with me to answer my questions? I want to talk to you about my personal situation.

I’ve tried to meditate and have done it successfully for a bit but always fell out of the habit. Will this course help me stick to my goal?

I really want to do this, but honestly I’m worried about taking this time and money for myself. It feels selfish, somehow.

I’ve tried listening to guided meditations before and enjoyed it. But I find that the moment I’m no longer guided, my mind races and I feel like I’m wasting my time, not getting the benefits I want. How is this membership different?

Is this membership run on a set schedule? Do I take it at my own pace? How does that work? 

Enroll in Daily Roots Today

Daily Roots Monthly Membership

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