About Sandra

Sandra Maher is a results mentor dedicated to helping individuals, entrepreneurs and businesses reach their full potential and achieve amazing results. Certified by Bob Proctor (The Secret) and the Proctor Gallagher Institute. Sandra uses their program Thinking Into Results and works with clients all over the world to get the results they really want.

She believes everyone has infinite potential. We just have to tap into it and learn how to use our mind to create success both personally and professionally

Regardless where we start, with proven tools and accountability we can achieve anything we desire.​

Successful people make decisions quickly and change them slowly, if ever.

 - Napoleon Hill

Bob Proctor is the international renowned expert in teaching people how to materialize potential both personally and professionally. 

I signed up for training and mentoring with Bob Proctor and studied under him until I qualified as a ‘Thinking Into Results’ consultant. This is a phenomenal program that has helped individuals and corporations all over the world get the results they desire. I am constantly upskilling and travel to Canada for trainings with Bob, his business partner, Sandy Gallagher and hundreds of consultants from all over the world.