Begin Your Regenerative Journey
We’ve been treating organizations as if they are machines, pushing productivity and efficiency at the expense of long-term health. The consequences of utilizing this machine approach can be seen on a planetary scale from record breaking employee disengagement rates to dwindling biodiversity and social inequities.
But organizations are not machines. Organizations are complex living systems full of potential waiting to be released! nRhythm helps organizations make the necessary shifts in their design and operations from a mechanistic to a living systems approach. Explore all of our offerings to connect, learn, and grow in community below:
3 Ways to Engage
Explore Community, Events, & Resources
Take a Course, Program or Workshop
Become a Member of the Collective
Free Community, Events & Resources:
Join a global community bringing life to the societal and environmental systems that connect us all. Born from the confluence of nRhythm and Capital Institute’s communities, the With Life Community now includes thousands of members from a wide diversity of professions and institutions, representing over 81 nationalities, and a rich tapestry of global perspectives and experiences. Sign up to engage in a variety of experiences, including live events, community connection calls, intimate group discussions, and a wealth of shared resources.
Belong to something bigger—connect, grow and gather With Life
What if you could access $21,000 worth of annual immersive learning, mentoring, and connection for just $125/month? The Collective is your invitation to deepen your engagement with our community— participate in immersive in-person and virtual gatherings, learn from peers and experts via the all access With Life Learning Pass, and grow with dedicated online and offline resources that are building your capacity in the With Life Approach.
This global community is spirited and robust, full of brilliant, kind, passionate people with the desire to usher in a transformative new reality grounded in regenerative principles of vibrant living systems.
All Courses & Workshops
Design your own unique journey of learning and capacity building experiences to enhance your personal, professional or organizational development. nRhythm, Capital Institute and With Life's online courses and workshops range from 4-hour self-paced courses to internationally acclaimed 8-week live cohort experiences that grow your regenerative capacity in leadership, organizational development, economics and finance. Through self-paced lessons, live instructor-led sessions, thought-leader dialogues, and dedicated course cohorts, you'll bring regeneration to your work and life.
For Change-Makers or Change-Managers
The Fellowship Program is application only and we are seeking 25 leading change-makers dedicated to expanding their experience and capacity to bring a living systems approach to designing, managing, and monitoring their organization. The Fellowship fosters a curated, close-knit cohort each year that is engaged in continuous learning, reflection, and growth within 60+ hours of capacity building courses, programs and monthly Fellowship engagement opportunities.
Professional Program
For Consultants, Coaches, Facilitators, & Educators
Elevate your professional practice with a living systems approach to building healthy, resilient organizations that excel in navigating complexity and change. With Life Professionals get exclusive training, an expanded client resource toolbox, and professional development in the With Life Professionals Community; a remarkable community of trained consultants, educators, coaches and facilitators dedicated to supporting regenerative leaders, teams, and communities.
Cultivator Program
For Teams
An online cohort-based program for organizations navigating periods of significant transformation and change. We will work together through 60+ hours of capacity building courses and workshops, 1:1 mentorship from experienced operators, access to proven operational frameworks and tools, and peer-to-peer learning opportunities.
Our Approach
With Life is an approach that holds the patterns of life and living systems at its foundation. Unlike the extraction and separation perpetuated by mechanistic systems, With Life empowers us to reconnect, regenerate, and heal by designing, managing, and monitoring in alignment with the patterns of living systems.
With Life, nRhythm, and Capital Institute Programming provides opportunities for people and organizations to build capacity in the With Life approach. Our workshops, courses, and learning tools are helping all sectors globally to shift their mindsets and operations to align with the patterns of living systems.
Sign up for our newsletter where you’ll receive the latest free resources, news about educational offerings and motivational prompts to bring regenerative practices into your workweek. We look forward to welcoming you to the growing global nRhythm community!
Mailing Address
4845 Pearl East Cir Ste
118 PMB 75152
Boulder, CO 80301-6112
© 2022/2023 nRhythm