Master Your Emotions from the Inside Out in 28 Days

I am ready to parent peacefully ...

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I am ready to parent peacefully ...

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I have completed the Peaceful Parenting programme a bit more than three years ago, and I am now in the Coaching Certification programme.

When I started, some friends were very critical of my views on education and raising children. To them, what I was trying to do with my son - building a connection of trust - was yielding no tangible results, and they would tell me about how such and such person was implementing some other ways (often based on rewards and punishment), and how the results were showing in their children, when I wasn't getting any results.  


What I learnt with Kathryn has helped me deal with this problem in at least three ways:

1- Giving me the confidence and the tools to go ahead with the style of parenting I knew deep down could only be right (compassion-based, prophetic-like, but also structuring and authoritative - as opposed to authoritarian) - this you learn with the Peaceful Parenting tools. 

I have recently come across a study on attachment parenting - ie a type of parenting based on connection with our children - which concluded that it may take longer to take results than "rewards and punishment"-style of parenting, but with results lasting virtually forever as long as you invest in the bond of trust with your children.

2- Understanding the Inside-Out Paradigm a bit later in the programme has helped me understand my emotions and the emotions of my children at a deeper level, leaving aside my agenda and the need to control them, it has also increased my trust in Allah (swt) and my presence with my children.

3- The Inside-Out Paradigm has also been incredibly useful in helping me deal with critics around me, and focus on what is right for us without the drama stemming from hurt feelings, etc...

This is basically a very holistic programme in terms of parenting: it gives you tools, it gives you a new paradigm to work from, it gives you opportunities to practice what you have learnt, it gives you a small village of sisters to share your journey with in a safe space where you can share whatever troubles you, as well as your successes. 

At the same time, the process is completely yours to own, your journey will be specific to you and your circumstances, there is not one way of embarking and being successful in this journey, there is only your way, and it will simply meet you where you are and suit your family in its own way.

Maryline, Ireland


About The Trainer

Kathryn Jones

© Copyright Back To The Fitrah Mentoring Academy

  • Maryline David, Ireland

    "Working with Kathryn was the best investment I made in myself last year. Not only did it strengthen my relationship to Allah, it also helped me increase in self-confidence. I feel deeply transformed, and have grown in Tawakkul (putting trust in Allah), authenticity and self-awareness. I’m so grateful I was able to take part of this as it has helped me going through the storms of life much more peacefully."