For the women who have it all and still deeply desire more.
More passion.
More purpose.
More play.
More power.
More peace.
And so much more prosperity.
For the women who seek a deeper, wider, higher, richer experience of life.
For the women who are ready to be ALL of you.
Embracing ALL of your parts.
The maiden: playful, silly, sexy, sassy and spontaneous.
The mother: the badass, boss who knows what she's made of and isn't afraid to show it.
The mystic: the inner wise woman, deeply connected to the divine
Because you know there is more.
Right at your fingertips.
You know it gets to feel better than ever.
Right down to your bones.
This is the making of a Matriarch.
The making of you:
At your best.
At Your highest
At Your widest
At Your wildest expression of you.
Your Self (body)
Your Soul (intuition)
Your Source (divinity)
Exactly as you are
And making even more.
More magic.
More miracles.
More moments you will never forget.
Your life is meant to be a masterpiece.
And the Sanctuary Membership is where you write the next chapter.
This space is for you if:
You already have enough.
You already have it all.
But you still desire more.
And you're absolutely not willing to settle for less.
Because the truth you feel is 100 percent right:
There is more. So much more.
I was sitting right where you are a few years ago and what I can tell you with certainty is:
The Sanctuary Membership is the key to unlocking it ALL.
Here is a little truth from my own life: I had it “all”: the loving partner, 2 amazing kids, the houses, the cars… I even had a white picket fence. No kidding! But I had a deep calling from within telling me that there was something MORE I was missing.
I spent all the money to find it. I hired the coolest coaches. And the most magical mentors. And I love them all. But they didn’t give me what I needed. Because I was asking the wrong questions. And they were offering the wrong answers.
The TRUTH is, they didn’t know.
The TRUTH is, I was the only one who had the answers.
And I have the tools to help you find them.
And I built the space for us to seek them together.
Side by side.
Heart to heart.
The way it was always meant to be.
Without the hierarchy.
Without the hype.
Because the TRUTH is, once you ask the right questions,
and you have the tools to uncover the answers,
You are going to realize that you are living the life you used to wish for too!
Now my days are filled with conversations that light my soul on fire.
With clients who are building brands and leading and leaving their own legacies.
With women who live and love deeper and wider and richer than our mothers and grandmothers ever dreamed of.
And bank accounts that are overflowing.
And investment accounts that are ever growing.
And I’ve realized that I am the one who changed it all.
I am the one who found my freedom.
I am the one who fixed our financial future.
I am the one who leads this legacy.
I am the one my grandchildren and theirs will talk about.
I used to wish for this.
I used to watch women who had this.
And wish I was one of them.
Until I became one.
And you can watch too.
Or you can become one with me.
The truth is: you don’t need rocket fuel to fan your flame.
You don’t need to go higher, faster.
You actually need to go deeper, slower.
You need to build your capacity for MORE.
You need space to reclaim your Self (body).
To remember your Soul (intuition).
To receive your Source (divinity).
You need a SANCTUARY.
A space to heal your heart.
A place to voice your vision.
A circle to surrender to the co-creative connection you’ve been craving.
Because once you dig a deeper well, you get to fill it with everything you ever wished for.
It’s not about blasting off. It’s about digging deeper.
And I’ve got a gold plated shovel with your name on it!
And all the other tools you’ll need along the way.
I’ll show you exactly what to do.
And I cannot wait for the day when you are saying:
I used to wish for this.
And now it’s here: all the passion and purpose and play and peace and prosperity. It’s all here and it’s even better than I wished for.
Each season you will receive a SLW gift box with all the tools you need for our sacred ceremonies. And each month we will gather (virtually) in sacred circle three times. Our first meeting each month is a Silver Lining Wishes Ceremony: a live, retreat-style event where we will go deeper into connecting with ourselves: with our spirit, with our soul, and with Mother Nature and her/our cycles. Unlocking with codes of MORE.
During each week that follows, we will meet to dive deeper into your TRUTH Frequency as you are led through embodiment practices, guided meditations, journaling activities, voice activations, energy healings, hynotherapy practices.
These monthly meetings set the tone for each season. We will talk about cycles, energy, our lineage, the frequency of truth and the divine feminine. We are truly returning to the feminine wisdom deep within, so you can recode, recalibrate and rewrite the stories of womanhood. Leading you deeper to your purpose, your passion, your peace and your presence. Leading you to MORE.
The Silver Lining Sanctuary is the journey to MORE. For the women who have it all. Because we have waited lifetimes for this.
Your life is meant to be a masterpiece.
And the Silver Lining Sanctuary is where you write the next chapter.
The journey begins here.
The journey begins now.
© 2024 Silver Lining Wishes. All Rights Reserved.