Hey Earthling, I'm Rose!

I'm an educator, author and professional dog cuddler. I am also a wife, mother, multiple business owner and global citizen. We women wear a lot of different labels don't we?

For those of you new to who I am and my story, I thought I would share a little more about me in this post.

I am (fast approaching) 34 turns around the sun as I write this, a pisces, an empath and an introvert. 

Which means I fiercely love my people, try to solve everyone's burdens, then have to scuttle off like a hermit into my shell to recharge my batteries. I swear a lot (sorry mum)

I was born just outside of London, England and have lived overseas my whole "young person" life, moving cities and countries about 10 times in 18 years. At 18 years old I packed my bags and moved from Singapore to New Zealand on my own to start university, I have been based in the South of NZ ever since. (For the detail-lovers out there the full list in sort of chronological order is UK, Iraq, Uganda, NZ, Fiji, Thailand, UK, NZ, Singapore, NZ). Living in mostly developing countries was a really formative experience for me, I grew up seeing life through the lens of massive divides in wealth, health care and access to basic life necessities. 

When I left high school I took a GAP year and spent my time playing competitive Touch Rugby, 7's Rugby and Hockey, coaching development sports teams, and working as a Teacher Aide in Chiang Mai, Thailand. 

I headed off to University in 2004 and studied for a Bachelor of Applied Science, majoring in Environmental Management. It had been a close decision for me whether to head into Sport Sciences as I finished high school, with advice at the time that "there isn't really any career options for you". Fortunately the world has moved on in the past two decades and health, nutrition and fitness are where its at! Ultimately I know that keeping sports and health as a life passion has led me to where I am now, completing my qualification with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2019. 

(Fun fact - I'm Avocado obsessed now, but couldn't stand them until I was 18! Obviously when my taste buds woke up and realised the goods they were missing out on)

I left university and spent the next 10 years working in a mix of jobs from environmental roles, to event  and conference planning, to small business management. 

My inner high achiever and A type personality was completely out of balance by this stage of my adult life, added to the role of being a loving partner and mother. It took a "hit the wall" health crisis for me in 2017 to push me to finally sort out my health from a holistic point of view. I had wound myself up into working 80 hour weeks. Working every weekend. I never had a 'whole' day off and my phone was attached to me like a new appendage.

I found out I was battling Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue and Leaky Gut. I wasn’t going crazy like I thought, and no wonder I was a hot mess.

I have done a huge amount of work on my personal health, my lifestyle, healing wounds and growing into being far more comfortable with myself. It has taken time and commitment, but I am so fortunate to have found coaches and mentors along the way who have helped me to get back in alignment and listening to what the universe has planned for me! (Oh yes, I'm quite into woo-woo, but we'll talk more about that later)

I’m in no way ‘finished’ in my own journey now, but I feel like a completely new person and that is a feeling I plan on carrying with me forever. It is also why I'm passionate about helping other women find the same feeling of happiness and calm in their lives.

I found my soul mate Darren 10 years ago, and he is my partner in both life and business. Together we run Non Cents Design an Art, Design and Tattoo Boutique. I am mum to my 13 year old (step) son who is in the early stages of starting high school, and two needy dogs Shilo & Inca. Life now is focused on LIVING life, spending my days running my business from home in a beautiful little beach side village Kakanui, New Zealand. 


Thank you for being here, and of course I would love to connect with you!

So make sure you stop by to say hi.





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