Learning Acrylic Techniques

JAN 27/ by The Wanderlust Collective /Art, Art Class, Acrylic, Impasto



Acrylic resin was invented by Otto Rohm, which was quickly transformed into acrylic paint.  Between 1946 & 1949, Leonard Bocour and Sam Golden invented a solution acrylic paint under the brand Magna paint.  Acrylics were made commercially available to the public in the 1950’s.


Today I hope to give you a brief overview of a couple of the techniques I use in acrylics and help you to get started in the medium. Here's a cool trailer I put together for my course.

Acrylics Trailer

Produced by The Wanderlust Collective

Here are a few techniques for the absolute beginner.  I love that you can take each one and experiment in your own way, on your own time.  I totally encourage you to take out your acrylics and get dirty! Go ahead and play with impasto, textures, flower effects, and make your own masterpiece.

"Go ahead and play with impasto, textures, flower effects, and make your own masterpiece."


Impasto is a technique used in painting, where paint is laid on an area of the surface in very thick layers, usually thick enough that the brush or painting-knife strokes are visible. This is a fun way to play with your acrylics and add dimension to your pieces. In this video I take you step-by-step on how to do this technique.

Acrylics Impasto Technique

Produced by The Wanderlust Collective

Acrylic Textures

There are many things you may have around the house that you can use for acrylic textures.  A old rag, paper towels, and sponges will give you some cool effects in your art pieces. In this short demo I show you how to get some cool textures using these materials. 

Acrylic Textures

Produced by The Wanderlust Collective

There are many things you may have around the house that you can use for acrylic textures.  A old rag, paper towels, and sponges will give you some cool effects in your art pieces. In this short demo I show you how to get some cool textures using these materials. 

"Where Do We Go From Here?"

Well, like Mark Rothko the late artist from the 1930’s said  “To us art is an adventure into an unknown world, which can be explored only by those willing to take the risks.”  So today I want you to take the risk, go explore, experiment and most of all have fun. Who knows what you will end up creating.  I want to see what you come up with, so please share on our Facebook page, leave a comment below. I love hearing from my followers, it fuels me to keep going.



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