
"HTMA provides the window through which to view the relationship between your minerals and how they affect your body and mind - ultimately, in many ways, determining your physical and emotional destiny."

#1.  Know Your Status

HTMA provides the window through which to view the relationship between the minerals in your cells and tissues and how they affect your body and mind - ultimately, in many ways, determining your physical and emotional destiny.  

  • Discover your hidden toxicities and deficiencies. 

    Everyone, no matter how healthy in this moment, has imbalances.  They may not manifest as symptoms until later in life.

  • Have a roadmap for corrective action. 

    Knowing your imbalances, you can take very specific, targeted action toward correcting those imbalances... protecting your health down the road.

#2.  Explore Copper Toxicity

Learn about one of today's most far-reaching yet misunderstood and silenced health epidemics.

  • Essential health information for every woman. 

    While men are affected too, it's the copper-retaining quality of estrogen that makes this something every woman deserves to be taught as basic health 101... and even moreso once she goes on birth control.  Unfortunately, widespread denial by many in the medicial community keeps this information suppressed from those who need it most.

So much of what is taught in current nutrition and medical schooling ignores the fundamental principles of minerals and how they affect nearly all aspects of health, physical and mental. 


"The Mineral Mastery course should be a compulsory unit in every medical and naturopathic and nutrition school - then we might actually have a healthcare system instead of a disease management one!"  ~Jo Hainsworth, Health Practitioner



  • Convenient self-study, lifetime access.

  • Eye-opening and beneficial no matter what your background.

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