Do this program and become more athletic, more muscular and make your body more bulletproof against injuries in the next 6 weeks...


And I'm So Confident In This Program, That If It Doesn't Work For You, I'll Refund You Every Dollar You Paid,
PLUS $50 Out Of My Own Pocket


Here I am with a nice pump after a BLA workout


From: Thomas Engberts
Phuket, Thailand

Am I crazy for doing this?

Some people say so, and maybe they're right...

But I'm going to do in anyway, because I simply know you will get results.

You see, the beauty of this program is that it can be scaled for anyone from high level athletes, to those just getting started or dealing with some aches and pains...


...and in fact this is exactly what I use with my high level athlete clients like UFC start Johnny Walker and kick boxer Pascal Schroth (who broke his neck, yet reclaimed his world title belt less than a year later after I helped him bulletproof it) ...


... as well as everyday people with busy jobs, who still want to be athletic despite being stuck at a desk all day, and maybe haven't trained for a while ...


And all of them report great results:


"I just want to tell you what my experience has been doing Thomas Engberts' Bulletproof, Lean, Athletic program:

Before I met Thomas, I had all kinds of problems with my back, my knees and my shoulder which prevented me from 'unleashing my full genetic potential' if you will...

​The way Thomas designed this program, not only does he allow you to maximise the gains that you make in a short period of time, he also corrects a lot of the biomechanics dysfunctions you have in your body that are preventing you from being able to do this.

​What I will tell you is this: If you get this program and you don't use it, you're not going to get any results.


But if you follow Thomas's instructions precisely, I'm very very confident you're going to get a profoundly good result.


​I've seen it not only with me, he's done it with UFC fighters, he's done it with complete beginners, he's helping people all over the world.

I don't think there's a better program out there

Mark Joyner,

CEO of Simpleology, former US Intelligence Officer


Here's what you can expect to happen when you start the Bulletproof, Lean, Athletic program:

  • The first week you will probably get sore, especially in the ‘Bulletproof Muscles’ (the ones that improve your posture and make your joints strong and healthy).


    You won’t be able to lift the weights you’d normally lift in the gym, because of the way the program is set up. This may be frustrating but it’s part of the process as you'll see later on

  • In week 2 you’ll probably feel quite good.

    Your posture will already be a little better, your muscles will feel nice and tight and your body is starting to adapt.

  • In week 3, the fatigue will kick in…

    these first 3 weeks are ‘high volume (a lot of sets and reps) and that is hard to recover from after a while...


This is all good though, because

  • In week 4 we drastically reduce the amount of work we do… but it will become more intense!


    This will feel great because you will now be able to lift heavier weights, or do the same weights for more reps than you did in the first 3 weeks.

  • In week 5 you’ll beat your numbers of week 4,


    getting stronger and stronger… you will also build more muscle, since your body has more time to recover

  • In week 6 you’ll continue to get stronger,


    and by now you should not be surprised if you get comments from friends and others about the improvement you made in your body...


Here's An Overview Of Everything You're Going To Get:


Bulletproof, Lean & Athletic Gym Program ($97)
These workouts, using the 'upside down principle' to help prevent injuries, and the "Slingshot Principle" to guarantee continued strength & muscle growth, will help you build muscle, especially in those muscles that will help you look, feel and perform like an athlete - even if you haven't trained since high school!

Depending on your current fitness level you can choose the beginner, intermediate or advanced program for maximum benefits, with minimal risk of injury.

You can also choose between, 2, 3 or 4 days a week, so there's an option for you regardless of how busy you are.


10 Minute Mobility Routines ($47)
Daily, simple, at-home routines you can do in addition to the gym workouts, to build your bulletproof muscles and improve your joint range of motion so you will move, feel and perform better. There's no equipment needed except for a rubber band and a tennis ball!


And, there is no thinking involved on your part: Simply watch the video's, follow along and see your body improve in just 10 minutes a day, by working those "hidden" muscles everybody else neglects


The Engberts Method Special Exercise Library ($47)
Each and every exercise in the program, shown to you as if you were a private client, standing right next to me. This way, you'll never have to guess how to do an exercise.

Simply press play and discover the little tricks I'll show you, to make them even better!


Reset Your Joints ($47)
If you have stiff joints, the exercises in here might be like a godsend to you... 

These exercises are what I let my private clients do whenever they have a limitation in their joints... And it almost always gives instant improvement.

​With these video's, it's like having me in you living room or gym, showing you these little-known exercises your chiropractor and physio don't want you to know about, so you'll be able to do them yourself - the right way.

​Wether it's your spine, shoulder, hip, elbow, knee or ankle - you'll be able to re-set them in the right position which not only reduces the pressure on the joints, but will help you move better as well


Loosen Your Muscles ($47)
In addition to the actual joints, tight muscles can also give you lots of grief - wether it's constant tightness that makes you grumpy on a daily basis, or a limitation that prevents you from getting good range of motion in the gym or on the sports field.

Fortunately, you don't need to make weekly appointments with an expensive massage therapist to remedy this...

The Loosen your muscles exercises will help you get rid of those tight & painful spots, on your own!


Engberts Method Video GuideTo Better Bench Pressing ($27)
Discover how to bench press more weight, without hurting your shoulders!

The bench press is a great exercise, but it's very likely that you currently do it wrong! This isn't your fault, you simply haven't been shown these simple tricks & techniques yet... Watch these video's and improve your bench press - and that's a promise!


Engberts Method Video Guide To Better Squats ($27)
Discover how to squat correctly, so you can lift more weight & build more muscle, without putting unnecessary pressure on your knees and lower back

Squats can be the greatest exercise you ever did, or they can destroy your back and knees...

... with this step-by-step instruction series you will not only learn how to squat correctly, but also discover little known exercises to almost instantly improve your technique, so you can squat more weight, build more muscle and save your back and knees.


Engberts Method Secrets of The Deadlift ($27)

They say that if the squat is the king of all exercises, then the deadlift is the emperor... Just make sure this emperor doesn't destroy your back!

You have to choices:


1) Choose not to do deadlifts and miss out on all it's incredible benefits or
2) Follow the step-by-step instructions in this course and discover the best way to deadlift so you can build a strong, muscular back without having to walk like an old man or lady afterwards!


Engberts Method Overhead Press Secrets ($27)

Pressing weight overhead is a great way to not only improve your upper body strength and athleticism, but also build impressive round shoulder muscles!

However, if you do it wrong it can also cause bad shoulder injuries that can take months to recover from. In this video series I will teach you exactly how to do the overhead press correctly, including the little known technique to start the press correctly, and where exactly you should hold the weight at both the bottom and the top of the lift (do this wrong and the pressure on your shoulder joints will increase tremendously - in a bad way)


Engberts Method Pullup Secrets ($27)

Pullups and pull-downs are some of the most popular upper back exercises and for good reason: They are great!

Yet most people do them wrong, and end up in a frustrating cycle of no progress or worse - injuries!

Not you though, when you know the ideal way to do the pullup correctly... and you'll discover exactly that in this short but powerful video course


Engberts Method Secrets of The Row ($27)

The Row is probably my personal favourite exercise... if you could only do one movement, this should be it for most people!

It's only effective if you initiate the movement with the correct muscles though... or else you will simply overload your biceps and not work the back muscles properly.

In this step-by-step instruction series you will discover how to get the most out of your rows, and make it the powerful back builder it can be!


Total Value: $462
But You Don't Have To Pay That If You Take Action Now!


Because I want to use your results in my future marketing of this program when I sell it to 'the masses', I'm not going to charge you $462 for everything you saw above.

No, I'm going to give you the BLA program and ALL the other components listed above, including a private coaching/assessment call with me, for just


$97 Only!


And If You Don't Like The Program For Any Reason Whatsoever, I'll Give You Your Money Back, No Questions Asked


And to show you how much I believe in this program and the results you're going to get:

If you actually DO the program for the entire 6 weeks, shown me that you did it by posting a weekly update in the Facebook group, and asking questions whenever you feel stuck...


... and if at the end of the 6 weeks you're not happy with your results, I'll give you the full price back, PLUS another $50 out of my own pocket.

Sound fair?


Then click the button below and join now:


$97 one-time payment


I reserve the right to withdraw this offer at any time, and I can't guarantee it will still be available next week, tomorrow, or even a minute from now.

If you refresh this page, the price may have gone up ...

So you have to take action right now if you want in: scroll back up a bit and click that big yellow button.


Still Not Convinced?


Ok, maybe you're skeptical since I'm just a guy on the internet you've never met...

And in fact, I applaud your skepticism since there are so many fake fitness guru's and scam artists out there.

Now I could tell you a lot of things about myself and my accomplishments, like the UFC fighters I've worked with, the backs, knees and shoulders I've fixed and the people that I've helped to build muscle and lose fat, but...


...Rather Than Taking My Word For It, Have a Look at What My Clients Say About Me:


"I’ve been training with Thomas for about 4 years.


At first I was very weak and I was very small. I could barely lift the bar...


Now I’ve squatted 180 kg, deadlifted 210 kg and benchpressed 130 kg... Despite  having to have a shoulder surgery last year because of rugby!"

Max Davis, USA

"I did work with Thomas for 2 months. I had a really bad shoulder injury and had to get surgery 3 months ago. When I first started with Thomas I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move my arms... Now I can move in every direction and I'm ready to fight again! I recommend you check out Thomas's site and maybe buy his program, because he is the best, he fixed my injury!

Johnny Walker, Brazil.
UFC light heavy weight superstar and potential future champion


"When I started I was over 200 pounds, now I'm 180.


Thomas has also helped me with my arthritis, bad back, bad knees and did physical therapy on it.


So even though he can be a jerk sometimes, I keep coming back!"


Rick Dolan, Texas, Usa


I started training with Thomas back in 2009 after I had a surgery and I started physiotherapy with Thomas.


I felt that I got better each week and after a while I began with the workout.


I came in a group with 2 other Ladies, it was great!


For me coming to workout 3 times a week, it's a must for me. it makes me happy and full of energy. There is a great atmosphere at the gym, the trainers are awesome always ready to answer any question you might have about training or Nutrition.


I lost 24 lbs since I stared working out and I am so grateful.. It was hard work, but it was worth every bit.


I can highly recommend Thomas, its so important for us women to exercise.


I could come up with a thousand reasons but that would be boring, but the main thing about exercise is that you have done something good for yourself  and I can tell you that you will feel a massive change in your daily life,your energy level will go up.


So ladies what are you waiting for!


Maj-Britt Jensen, Denmark


Hi. I’m Charles and I have been seeing Thomas for chronic pain in my back and hip injury that has been bothering me for years.

And I can honestly say for the six weeks I’ve been working with Thomas, I’ve learned more about how to deal with this injury than I have in five years of dealing with it beforehand.  It’s been great to work with somebody who knows how to work with athletes and how to really specialize the treatment to the activities that I love to do. 

Charles McQuire, USA

"What's up, Mark Hunt here in Thailand with Thomas, I've come to see the Mr Fixer!

My body is all injured so I've come here to get my fix, some of these exercises are really good and this one here, for anyone with back injuries, this feels good!


Mark Hunt, New Zealand
UFC, PRIDE & K1 Legend

$97 one time payment


See you on the inside,

Thomas Engberts



P.S. Remember, you're going to get access to all variations of the program (2,3 or 4 days a week depending on how often you want to train), video instructions of all the possible exercise variations to choose from (ranging from hardcore gym exercises to bodyweight and rubber band variations you can do in the comfort of your own home), all the bonuses like Reset Your Joints and Loosen Your Muscles to help you recover better and get out of pain if you have any.

P.P.S. Also remember that if you don't like the program, don't like the exercises or you don't like my shirt or my hairstyle in the video's, you can get a no-questions-asked full refund within 60 days of your purchase.

And if you actually do the program faithfully, give a weekly update in the Facebook group and ask me the questions that you have, and at the end of the 6 weeks you haven't gotten stronger, I'll give you your money back plus another 50 dollars out of my own pocket.

Who else would do that?

No one (I checked).

So click the big yellow button now, and you'll be directed to the 100% secure checkout page.

Enter your details there and I'll see you on the inside! 


$97 one time payment

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The website's content and the product for sale is based upon the author's opinion and is provided solely on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank's sale of this product as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice made by the author of the product.

Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of "Bulletproof Lean and Athletic" products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.