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Tracy is my single most valuable professional asset. Her innate ability to pull insights and brilliance from people is a gift, her emotional depth is keen and laser-focused and her genius roots in intuition and the power of self. She herself is a superpower, unmatched, and real to her core. If you have the opportunity to work with her – take it. She will elevate you.


Management Consultant

My work with Tracy allowed me to transition from a “neck up” approach of intellectualizing my emotions, to, for the first time in my life, truly feeling with my body, soul, and whole heart. I have the courage to live my life as I am, in all my complexity and nuance, rather than conforming to the expectations of society and others.


Attorney and Entrepreneur

Tracy is a person for whom love is not her second nature but her only nature, and her sensibility and insight are so developed and magnified that sometimes you wonder how she can be so aware of your feelings and maybe even if she feels them more than you do. The good news for us is that through this insight, she can help us in a deeper way, guiding us on our way to profound changes that really improve our lives and our results. Tracy is a real gift to my life.



Tracy James is a seriously wise woman. I constantly marvel at the uncanny way she is able to focus on stubborn, locked-in thought and behavior patterns and encourage healing in the kindest, most compassionate way possible. Working with her has helped me gain perspective into myself and the world at large. She's given me access to tools for creativity that I never could have imagined. She's simply amazing.


Fiction Writer


  • You're looking for a space to do deeper work to transcend old patterns and treat yourself with greater compassion along the way

  • You have a strong calling to grow creatively, spiritually and have greater meaning and impact in your work and life

  • You are willing to be curious and try on new practices, perspectives and behaviors. If you have difficulty, you're willing to explore why in coaching to continue to grow and iterate toward customizing what really works for you

  • You're interested in being a part of an inclusive community, respecting and honoring differences and communicating with empathy


  • You aren't able to engage in the majority of live group sessions