Hi, I'm Kerri...

And I'm So Excited

To Meet You!

There's nothing I love more than surrounding myself with entrepreneurs who are ready to take their businesses (and lives) to the next level.


So let me tell you a little about me in hopes that we become fast friends.


My favourite thing about me is that I get to say that I am 100% living life on my terms...


It never gets wasted on me... mainly because I spent the majority of my working years as a corporate work horse ...I mean VP ... in a high pressured industry.


It seems surreal to say now that I truly get to do what I love... helping entrepreneurs like you reclaim their lives, build their dream businesses and be free from the golden handcuffs of the 9-5.




I don’t know if you know this about me, but it wasn’t that long ago that I was ready to throw in the towel on this whole “online” business thing.


I’d tried (several times) to get things to a place where I had built an online audience – a tribe of people that I knew I could help and who would benefit from all of the value I was providing them. 


I was following all the tricks and hacks the gurus were teaching – I tried every outdated posting strategy, spent endless time creating free “value” content that I thought my dream target would love, I would even go into Facebook groups commenting and liking on other people’s posts, trying to get some attention. 


Nothing was working … it was all moving SO SLOWLY.


I would get so frustrated and disheartened and even jealous (not proud of that one) when I would see others crushing it online.


I had bought ALLLL the courses and as far as I could see I was doing exactly what they were doing. I was certainly doing exactly what they were teaching me to do.


So why wasn’t it working??


That’s when it hit me. I had the biggest “Aha” moment!! You know those moments when all of a sudden you see something for the very first time and in an instant everything clicks.


This was the moment that EVERYTHING changed for me.


And looking back now, it’s the moment my new Mission Based Marketing Method was born.


I went from feeling frustrated, stuck and about to give up… to working feverishly to put my method to the test. 


If what I had discovered actually worked then this was going to be a game changer.


My first goal was to see if this method would help me grow an engaged online audience and FAST! 


I remember thinking “what if I could get 1000 followers in 90 days – that’s more than I’ve gotten in years”…


Within 14 days I had hit 1046 new (engaged) followers who were excited to see what I was going to share with them… and I hadn’t spent a penny on ads or likes campaigns.


I could hardly believe it…


Then it was time to build my email list. 


I understood wholeheartedly that this would become my most important asset and after seeing the success of my new Marketing Method on building an online audience I set my sights high. I set a goal of 100 new subscribers in 7 days.


This would prove my method works beyond a shadow of a doubt.


Well, within 24 hours I got my first 261 subscribers. When I say my first 24 hours I mean I went from having NO capture page, no email autoresponder set up (I’m not going to lie, I barely knew what all these things were)…


Now just a handful of months later I have a thriving list well into the thousands and counting!


Cheers to me...

I knew I had uncovered something special. I had found the missing puzzle piece.


I was ready to put this method to the biggest test of all.


The Launch!


Could this new method help with launching new products, services, books, podcasts, workshops, memberships? 


I just knew in my heart that it absolutely would.


And so I set my biggest goal yet...


I scheduled the launch date for my podcast “Choose Unstoppable” and set a goal of launching straight into the top 100. 


Now I want you to know that is no easy feat. 


As of May 2020 there are over 1,000,000 podcasts to choose from. And when you look at the chart toppers all the big names are there (in fact in my entrepreneurship category, all the big names I was learning from were there). 


I knew that if I could launch in to the Top 100 as a no name entrepreneur, I was going to need to share this method with as many other new or struggling entrepreneurs as I could.


When I opened iTunes less than 48 hours after I had launched and checked my rankings I was at #3 for all of entrepreneurship in Canada. It was Tim Ferris, Gary Vee, then ME.


I had officially blown my own mind with what this method was capable of.


Of course I was thrilled by the success of my brand new podcast, but more importantly, I now knew without a shadow of a doubt, that my new Mission Based Marketing Method was a SLAM DUNK!


And that’s really where you’re finding me today…


Since then I have been on fire with excitement building my business and brand, spending time with my new online family and recording the most inspiring podcast episodes. 


All while getting to be home with my 2 beautiful toddlers and planning out our incredible future…


It’s like a dream… and this all happened in a matter of months…


And the best part is... I'm just getting started!


I have no desire to keep this to myself. 


I searched and searched for a way to get my business off the ground, for a way to build a tribe of people who felt like family, who I could pour my heart into and do whatever I could to help them.


And I know there are so many others who are searching too...


So now I'm on a mission to share this method far and wide.


The plain truth is you don't have to wait years or even months to jumpstart your business into massive momentum.


Just imagine how things could look in your business 30 days from now!


I’m so glad we’re meeting now and I can't wait to hear YOUR story!


Let’s stay connected  ...


Talk Soon,



Let's Be Social

© Copyrights by Kerri Macaulay. All Rights Reserved.