Welcome! I'm Tessa

  • Creating a Peaceful Home Environment

  • Raising Independent Children

My Services

Are you ready to leave behind overwhelm and self doubt? Do you want to finally feel like you are running your life instead of your life running you

1 on 1

Private Strategy

I will meet you where you're at in life and together we will work toward designing your life on purpose and creating a simple and practical action plan to get you there. 



Learn the skills and mindset to move you from surviving to thriving. You'll get accountability and support as you walk alongside several other ladies who are on a similar journey to wholeness. 

About Me

I am a wife, mother of 5, homeschooler, worship singer, dairy farmer, and perpetual encourager of women. 


When I held my first baby, I knew that there was no higher calling than to mother him to the best of my ability.


Unfortunately, that didn't mean it was easy. I was overwhelmed as I tried to figure out how to be a homemaker, wife, mother, and friend. Add in homeschooling, farming, and my dreams in addition to motherhood, and I felt like I was continually trying to pick up the dropped balls to keep life going. 


But somewhere deep down inside, I knew that it shouldn't be so hard. Why would God put us in this role and not make available the ability to learn how to thrive in it?


So I amped up the research and found the answers that I needed and I'm now so excited to share those answers with others! 


I love to equip moms with the skills and mindset to be confident in who they are. To help women find passion in the design that God has for their mothering journey, whatever that looks like.


I love to see women come alive and start living and giving from a place of wholeness instead of depletion! 

Mary Katherine

The Woman School has been the most life-changing thing I have ever done in my life. As a mother of six children and owning my own business, I was always exhausted from trying to keep everything going well, never making any time for myself. As I have taken the ART OF BEING A WOMAN Masterclass, I have learned and implemented so many practical skills that have literally CHANGED our entire family life and marriage. As the mother, we are the heart of the home, and everyone else’s demeanor and life spirals off of us. Through this class, I have learned that it’s not selfish of me to receive, but rather it’s selfish to not make time for my own growth, because we cannot give when we are empty. 



I am in month 2 of the Art of Being a Woman Masterclass. This course has drawn me back to the Lord in new ways. It is speaking truth to my heart, and freeing me to be who I am created to be. I am becoming aware of where I need growth, and developing new skills to achieve that growth. 

I was mentally stuck in emotions of the past, and am going through a process of being freed. 

This course truly is an answer to prayer for mind transformation. 

When I asked my husband about the course he said " it's making life better".