Nirmala Nataraj

Nirmala Nataraj is a New York–based writer, editor, book midwife, theater artist, and mythmaker. Her work lives at the crossroads of creativity, mythology, storytelling, and collective liberation. As a multi-genre collaborator and creative facilitator, she believes in generative solutions in the midst of chaos, the coexistence of messiness and magic, and breathtaking beauty as a natural consequence of this wild ride. Her specialties include literary nonfiction, speculative fiction, mindfulness meditation, spirituality and personal development, art and design, and social change. 


Nirmala is trained in several methods of narrative-based collective healing, including Emergent Strategy, Family Constellations, Playback Theatre, Social Presencing Theater, Theatre of the Oppressed, and the Work That Reconnects. In her spare time, she drinks lots of black tea, indulges in luxury skincare, and plots the building of her own community retreat center in upstate New York. Find out more about Nirmala at

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