One-on-One Guitar Lessons with David Harsh
Imagine being a member of a world class community of guitar learners, going through premium, curated content, and…wait for it…meeting up on a regular basis, one-on-one, with the person who designed all that content.
That opportunity is here. David Harsh is now offering a limited number of lesson slots for a limited time, on a specific schedule.
The lessons will be available via Zoom for those outside the north Seattle area, and in-person for those who wish to make the trip to our home teaching studio.
**The important caveat you need to be aware of is this: we are 100% committed to our GuitarSuccess4U members, so in order to qualify for private lessons with David, you need to be a member of GuitarSuccess4U.
This does two things: 1) It shows us who the serious students are, and 2) it gives us an excellent content framework to constantly be referring to as we sync up to go deeper.
As you may know, David had a roster of 50 private students for many years, so he’s very experienced with one-on-one teaching. Add to this the fact that David has toured nationally, recorded multiple albums, and led worship professionally over the course of his nearly 3 decades of guitar playing. This positions him very well to be your guitar teacher.
As this membership grows, one-on-one lessons will be less feasible, but while we are still at a modest size with our member base, we are offering limited lesson slots for a separate fee in addition to the monthly (or annual) GuitarSuccess4U tuition.
The fee structure we're starting with is:
25-minute lesson - $30
55-minute lesson - $60
Lesson Policies
Lesson payments are not refundable or transferable; however, they can be credited for future lessons for your use. This one-on-one lesson offering is a separate venture from your GuitarSuccess4U tuition, so lesson credit can only be applied to one-on-one lessons, not your monthly (or annual) tuition.
Lessons cannot be redeemed if you discontinue your membership. We want you to stay! We will only be offering these lessons to members in good standing (including ones that are already paid for), so please plan to stay, not just long enough to redeem your lessons, but for many months after that!
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ll work on whatever you’d like to work on, focusing on GuitarSuccess4U concepts. Please plan to submit your questions and discussion topics with plenty of notice, so that we can hit the ground running (we can also work spontaneously, but having a framework or some talking points will optimize your time.) I’ll send you a short re-cap e-mail with my recommended next steps.
Not really! The only caveat is that I’m working to honor the copyrights of other composers, so if you have questions related to a worship song or pop song, I’ll speak to the strategy of tackling parts of the song, but won’t be supplying published, copyrighted material to you in print (if you want to e-mail me a chart, I can look it over, etc.)
Lessons are booked on a first come, first served basis, depending on calendar availability. Theoretically, someone could book multiple lessons. I’m offering these lessons to support my amazing members, not as an effort to expand my reach to a full outside roster of weekly students. If you’re chomping at the bit to enjoy multiple lessons with me, I’d recommend starting out by spacing them at least two weeks apart for your benefit, as well as the benefit of others.
That option is not available at this point; the weekly Monday night Zoom calls are designed for group interaction.
Rather than send a lot of communication out to the group each week, we will provide a "Schedule a Lesson" link within your membership. We encourage you to visit it whenever you’d like to book a lesson.
When you enroll in GuitarSuccess4U, you will be given an opportunity to add on a one-on-one lesson with David.
Yes. You’ll get an automated e-mail the morning of your lesson, reminding you to log on with a personalized Zoom code. However, we do ask that you make a note on your calendar, as an extra measure of thoroughness.
We’re here for you. Try to have your connection optimized (minimize the amount of household online browsing) during the call, for better bandwidth. If something goes haywire (which it sometimes does), we’ll do what we can to make up the time, even if it means going a bit past time. Lessons are scheduled to end at the 25 or 55-minute mark, to allow a 5-minute transition to the next lesson, so if you have a lesson after you, we may need to regroup. But for your sake and ours, please keep your connection functioning optimally.
We’re ok with a fellow family member being nearby to see what you’re up to. If they are actively trying to learn from the lesson time and they’re not members of GuitarSuccess4U, we have a solution – invite them to join the membership! Please do try to keep pets and external noises at a minimum to allow for better focus during the lesson.
We want you to feel supported, of course. However, David’s time is limited and we encourage you to bring follow-up questions to your next lesson.
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© 2021 by David Harsh Ministries. All Rights Reserved.