Ok here’s the thing. This IS great advice, but it’s not rocket science. It’s really quite simple. 


One step at a time. 


Mind blown? 


Probably not. I’m sure you’ve heard this before. My goal in this article isn’t to blow your mind, it’s to convince you that this is worth holding on to. It’s worth saying outloud to yourself every day. Pulling yourself back to it. Living by it like a code in the old west.



In the most recent episode of my podcast, Choose Unstoppable, I feature an incredible woman named Shauna Reiter. She founded her line of superfoods after struggling with her health, depression, and immune system complications. Shauna has a lot on her plate. She’s a mom, singer, and songwriter. How did she have the time, motivation, and energy to create this health food business?


All Shauna wanted to do was create products that made a difference to her, satisfying her needs. After that, she said it was simply, “One step at a time. One inch at a time.”


One step at a time. 


Great ideas tend to slip off our radar quickly if we’ve heard them before. We may get inspired initially, but then within an hour we’re distracted and stressed. Even if we can manage to hold onto the idea of taking one step at a time, there’s the fact that while it’s a simple concept, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to implement. 


So, is it really worth it? 


Let me give you three super compelling reasons why I think it’s not only worth it, it’s the only way to do business (or life, for that matter). 


Reason 1: Avoid stopping before you start. 


So many of us can get caught up, even at the very beginning, with how far we are from the end. This can happen so much so that it can stop us from starting in the first place. What a waste! It’s easy to compare yourself to other people who have bigger achievements than you do. But all you should be thinking about is your next step. You don’t know what the end looks like, so you shouldn’t be focusing on it! 


Reason 2: Make intentional decisions. 


It’s hard to look around when you’re running. Have you ever tried before? More often than not, you’ll trip. If you’re taking one step at a time instead of running, you’re able to look around and take in your surroundings. You’ll find opportunities that you never would have noticed. You’ll be able to see the giant pothole that’s right where you were about to take your next step and avoid it instead of falling in. You’ll be able to make intentional decisions, and be an intentional person. 


Reason 3: Feel great about your progress. 


When you look too far down the road, you start doubting yourself. You get frustrated with where you are now. Maybe you start thinking, “I should have been further along by now.” or “This isn’t working and I should give up.” If you want to reach your goals without getting discouraged or losing motivation, you need to take time to acknowledge how far you’ve come. Taking one step at a time also allows you to look back at the steps you’ve taken and really feel great about the progress you’re making. 


We could all use a reminder to take one step at a time. Especially business owners. When I started my podcast, I had no idea what the “end” looked like, and I think that’s why it ended up being so successful. I took one step at a time, and here I am. 


Taking one step at a time allows us to slow down and to take action. What a great combination. I hope I’ve convinced you to adopt “one step at a time” as your new mantra, and I hope that each one of your steps is intentional and beautiful. I know you’re going somewhere great.  

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