There Is An Exact Science To Getting Rich!

Do You Know IT?

This "Little Green Book" as Bob Proctor calls it, has been the reason for more success in the entreprenural life, that any one really knows about. 

The Secrets

Science Of Getting Rich

Many have heard of it, maybe even read it, few have take it a study level!

Your Next Idea

Want to have that next idea that changes everything? You will find it in this course!


Einstein talked about it, he had a number for it everyday! Learn how this can change everything! 

The "Thinking Stuff"

Do you know how to activate the "Thinking Stuff" that delivers on every image you hold in it? 

Doubling Your Success

This is not about incremental growth, it's about achieving exponential growth in your life!

16 Live Recorded Sessions

16 Weeks

When you begin this course you will understand the need for 16 weeks so you can implement the powerful actions steps and put thought into the answers for each chapter. 

  • Real Time, as the instructor reads this, stories are added to deliver the hidden message in the writings for maximum  understanding and comprehension. 

  • Workshop Exercises, at the end of each chapter are questions designed to walk you into a clear understanding of the chapters information.

  • Facebook Group, allows you to interact with others who are experiencing the awakenings and to dialogue with others as they expand their mind and create massive success. 

  • Weekly Q & A, takes place each week as part of understanding this century old text. How can you incorporate it into your life today and benefit from it's wisdom.  

This course INCLUDES a Digital Workbook so you can actually

                                                      download and use to maximize your personal experience.

s sed vehicula sagittis. Fusce ultrices quam vel commodo pretium. Sed cursus turpis id pellentesque feugiat. Suspendisse potenti.


Each Week

Enim elit arcu diam vestibulum adipiscing placerat pharetra suscipit nibh blandit praesent.

  • 60 Min Recorded Session, there were done LIVE and recorded and you will hear the Q&A after each reading. 

  • LIVE Q &A in Facebook, you have access to a private group to ask each your Instructor LIVE each week to maximize your success and implementation of the action steps shared.  

  • Build Your SelfWorth, become the person you made told others you would and who you told yourself you would become. 


Sean Has Taught In Over 

35 Countries

Certified In Multiple Disciplines 

Product One

Life-Defining Moment - From Bold Thought Leaders

  • Download Digital Copy

    These stories will incredible insights into what it takes to build your success. Stories shared by some of the most amazing entrepreneurs:

    Newy Scruggs - 8 Time Emmy Winner Sports Caster, Dallas Tx

    Col Tim Cole -    31 Yr Marine Col, Oversaw 2 Presidential  Inaugurations

    Kyle Wilson -      18 Yr Business Partner of Jim Rohn, Mulit#1 Best Seller

     Bob Helms -       Known as The GodFather of Real Estate after 7 Decades

  • What Will Be Your Life Defining Moment

    Leverage this book to see how each story uses one of the Science Of Getting Rich Principles. This will give you insights who to put into practice each of the 15 chapters in the book! 

Product Two

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney.

  • Addiction To Approval

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What Customers Say

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John Kowalsky


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Angelica Julie


Est lacinia tempus a feugiat orci a parturient a lacinia et nisl adipiscing taciti diam mus gravida interdum quisque ultrices.

John Kowalsky


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Angelica Julie



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