If you've lost the same 5 pounds

over and over again...

It's not your fault. And you're not alone

They are bad for you

I've got some good news for you...

Stop beating yourself up and start treating yourself to the things your body really needs.

  • There is a way to lose as much as you want to lose and KEEP IT OFF.

    When you give your body what it needs to don't have to starve yourself, ever again.

  • You can finally get off the “diet roller coaster” once and for all.

    Once you learn to eat the foods that help you feel better (and be healthier), you'll never go back to harmful habits.

  • There is no doubt that you can do it with the right system.

    You don't need another "magic bullet" that overpromises and underdelivers. All you need is the right system and professional guidance - and a little help from your friends.

In fact, all you need are three things:

  • A proven plan

    Our proven four-phase strategy helps you lose weight, feel your best, have more energy, and keep the weight off long term.

  • A built-in support structure

    The support of like-minded people (and the accountability it provides) is an incredible tool that can make the difference between success and failure.

  • Guidance from a certified health professional

Dear  Health Seeker,

My name is Jen Miner, and I'm passionate about helping you live your healthiest, happiest, most fulfilling life!
Throughout my personal health journey, I saw the short-comings of conventional medicine. In my practice, clients come to me searching for answers they just can't find.


Now, I witness the body’s innate ability to heal without drugs, every day. 
I believe that learning to be healthy is a million times more valuable than popping pills…and healthy habits last for life!


I created the RESET to THRIVE Program to give you the skills and confidence to be your own health advocate, all from the comfort of your home.


I've helped so many people release extra weight, increase energy, improve sleep, and truly love themselves back to a vibrant, healthy life.
I look forward to seeing you transform and I’ll be cheering you on every step of the way!
Yours in Health,
 Jen Miner, CHHP

The Reset to Thrive program is a 10-week metabolic reset program that combines 7 proven dietary/health strategies plus professional and community support to help you...
Look, Feel, and Function Better!

Not only will you lose weight, but you'll learn the strategies necessary to make vital mindset changes and incorporate key habits to sustain health benefits long-term.

  • 10 Weeks of Life-Changing Health Steps​

    Filled with life-changing, actionable lifestyle information to transform your life and help you lose weight. In-depth instruction on how to improve your sleep, improve your digestion, handle stress better, joyful movement, and many more topics. It addresses the whole mind, body and spirit.

  • Customized Metabolic Support 

    To balance your body type and help reset your metabolism, based on your unique metabolism.

  • To troubleshoot and answer any questions to best support you throughout the program. 

  • Instruction Manual & Journal​

  • Direct Messenger Access

    Direct access to message me anytime with your questions and updates in our private group, to help keep you accountable. 

Weekly Steps



Recipes & Journal

You get everything you need to permanently lose 20-30 pounds in the next ten weeks.

  • Without starving yourself

  • No expensive shakes or pills

  • Without spending any time in the gym

The magic happens in a community of like-minded, heart-centered individuals, travelling the same path...

together, we hold each other accountable - so we all succeed!

​Safe, rapid and permanent
weight loss

Look and feel the best
you’ve ever felt

Vibrant energy 

Deep, restful sleep

Wake up excited for your day​

​Greater mental clarity

More confidence

Better digestion

​Lower stress levels

Feel more peaceful and grateful

​Balanced blood sugars
and blood pressure

​Greater self-love and self-care

Doing the Reset to Thrive was a game-changer for me. During and after the program I had so much more energy, I slept better, and the cherry on top was losing over 30 pounds! (I was also never starving!)

In the past, I have struggled with eating disorders. However, this program has drastically improved my relationship with food and my body. I notice a huge difference in how my body is feeling and functioning. I’m so grateful I was able to work with Jen!

Kiley, Wife & Mom

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

How is this different from other programs?

How much weight will I lose?

What will I be eating?​

Why do you suggest no/little exercise?

Are the results permanent?

What happens when the 10-weeks are finished?

What if I am on medication?

Who is this program NOT for?

Thrive Health and Wellness Logo Jen Miner

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