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Access Pass to the Complete Library
Get started today with the reMothering Masterclass. Learn how to deepen your self-connection, break free from outdated programming, experience healthy boundaries (even with boundary-impaired others), and thrive forward with a powerful sense of alignment.
Boundaries with Ease
and without guilt
Quieter Mind
Kinder Self-Talk
Event Details
reMothering Masterclass,
Agenda Details
Step One
Intentional Foundations
In step one, we kick off the remothering journey with foundational tools for intentional change. We start by learning to work WITH our body's biology and inherent wisdom.
Step Two
Recognize your Adaptations
What's your "flavor" of adaptation?
Hint, here are a few common adaptations to get your ideas flowing:
Do any of those resonate? If you were to add any to the list, what would they be?
In step two, we learn how to spot the clues because what we don't see, does affect us. But the good news is that once we recognize them, we can use the tools we'll be learning here to be more choiceful in how we move forward.
Optional Live Call: Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Live Q&A via Zoom
The live class will be offered from 3pm - 4:30pm eastern time (New York). Here's a link to world time buddy to look up your local time
Step Three
Connect with your Inner Wisdom
In step three, you'll deepen your inner-connection so you can turn within to access the nurturance, belonging, and other mother qualities we each seek. You'll also learn how to quiet mental chatter and hijacked thoughts.
Step Four
Break Free from Outdated Programming
In step four, you'll lean into the tools and techniques to update patterns and rewire with intention.
Step Five
Thrive Forward
With your deepening self-connection, we point our focus towards thriving forward. One of the key skills you'll learn in step five is healthy boundaries, without guilt, even with boundary-impaired others.
Plus, in step five you'll also learn tools to reinforce all that we've learned.
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