What are the shapes in a Human Design chart?


Within each individual person’s design they have 9 energy centres, a synthesis of the Chakra system that our life force flows through. In Human Design there are 9 centres (rather than the 7 Chakras) which is thanks to a shift in the cosmos that happened around 230 years ago. Each centre or chakra has its own energetic characteristics, and it is common for most people to have a mixture of some of these areas coloured in on their chart and some are seen as white.


These 9 Centres will be either coloured in - this is called “Defined” or they will be white - which is known as “Open” or “Undefined”. If the centre is coloured in, this means it has linked fully to another centre, almost like two light bulbs in an electrical circuit with a full line running all the way linking the two. Undefined (white) Centres have half lines coming from them, but do not link up to anything else. Open Centres have no lines attached.


When a centre is Defined this means you will have more of a fixed or consistent aspect of this in your personality; think of it as an energetic buffer against the world around you. 

Anywhere in your chart which is white through either an Open or Undefined centre, this means you don’t have access to the traits of this centre consistently and you haven’t got that energetic buffer to help out with this part of your design. This means you will typically be more susceptible to take in the conditioning of others through these white centres and be more open to the influence of those around you. This happens whether we are aware it is happening or not - which is where we often develop subconscious conditioning over our lives.


So knowing where your traits are the most fixed and robust, and then equally where you are the most open to the outside influence is super powerful in helping you on a daily basis. By understanding this about yourself and your design it helps you figure out which of your choices, emotions and actions are coming from a place that is in alignment or not. Whether you are operating from a place of your own true self, and spot the places where you might say “oh that’s actually not really who I am”, and give yourself the ability to do the inner healing work on your way to course correcting.



This is a pressurised centre which moves our Qi (Chi) or life force through our bodies. Everything in this centre relates to knowing, thinking and gives us our questions and doubts.

A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Am I trying to answer everybody else's questions?”


The Ajna is your mind consciousness or otherwise known as your third eye. 

A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Am I trying to convince everyone that I am certain?”


All energy through our bodies (or flow of our Qi) moves towards the Throat, and this is our manifestation centre. 

A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Am I trying to attract attention?”


This is home to our identity, love, direction and our own unique energy flow connects us to the flow of life through this centre. Think of this as the place where we are wired into the Universe. 

A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Am I constantly seeking out love and direction?”


One of the four “motors” as they are known in Human Design. Our Heart is the home of our willpower, motivation and ego (as a healthy expression of what we ‘desire’). 

A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Do I think I have something I have to prove?”​


The Second of the four “motors” the Solar Plexus is home to our emotions and operates through an emotional wave for those who have this centre defined in their chart. 


A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Am I avoiding confrontation and/or the truth?”​


The Third of the four “motors” the Sacral Centre governs our creative life force energy, and provides the power and energy behind our beloved Generators and Manifesting Generators! 


A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Do I know when enough is enough?”​


Our Spleen creates within us the survival awareness or sixth sense intelligence that is so necessary for our survival. This centre is home to our fears and wisdom.  


A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Am I holding on to things that aren’t right for me or good for me?”​


The final of the four “motors” in the Root Centre we find out momentum and adrenalised energy (or stress). Through this pressurised centre our Qi flows and moves through the rest of the body and it provides us with the momentum to push forward. 


A question you can ask yourself to check whether you are living in alignment through this centre is “Do I act in a hurry to get things done, just so I can be free of pressure?”

Where to find your Human Design chart?

There are fantastic free websites where you can input your birth date, birth time and location you were born online anytime and receive a copy of your Human Design straight away. My favourite to suggest to use is available at and gives you all the details so you can see your Type, Strategy, Authority and Profile at a glance. You will also see your chart with which centres are Defined and which are Open/Undefined and you will get a full list of all lines and channels that make up your individual Human Design! 

Want to dive a little deeper?

There is lots of information you can dive into straight away on your own simply by knowing your Human Design Type, Strategy and Authority!  But there is SO much more to your individual design and understanding your soul’s purpose, karma and how you chose to come here to show up in this lifetime.


That is where I help people all over the world to decode and understand their chart in easy to understand language by giving 'Soul Notes' Human Design chart readings . I love guiding people to have clarity on their soul’s purpose in this lifetime, handing over your permission slip from the universe to be truly yourself and empowering you to shine your unique light as the magical soul you are. 



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