By Dr Debbie Zsolnai

Discover the 5 Diet Myths that are likely keeping you fat

    • MYTH 1: Counting Calories is the key to weight loss

    • MYTH 2: All weight loss is fat loss

    • MYTH 3: Exercise alone will make you thin

    • MYTH 4: Carbs are the enemy, Fats are the enemy

    • MYTH 5: You lack willpower

      Meet Dr Debbie Zsolnai

      I have always had a fascination with trying to understand what drives people's behaviour as well as all things metaphysical. I find the link between thoughts, beliefs, mindset and biology riveting.


      This is what led me to first complete a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a second Bachelors Degree majoring in Industrial Psychology, and then a Doctorate in the Metaphysical Sciences.


      After being invited to co-author a book on Wellbeing, I realised my passion for writing and so I started this blog, as well as writing a series of books and creating courses on Wellbeing and Weight Loss.


      A lifelong student, I've studied everything from Meditation to Energy Healing to natural ways to Wellbeing to Nutrition. And I have personally lost weight and enhanced my own wellbeing using the information, tools and techniques I teach and write about.


      Is my way the right way? Who knows. There are many ways to get to a result. All I know is what worked for me and this is what I want to share with you.


      I hope you'll join me on the journey to Weight Loss and Wellbeing.

      Hi there. Now I know it sounds a bit cliche, but seriously, there is more. So much more.


      I offer a lot of my stuff for free and you can read so much useful information on my blog and topic pages. However, I do like to keep something a little special for my Academy members.


      If you’d like access to specially created eBooks, courses, meditations, journals, trackers and so much more, then click the pretty button below to learn more and you’ll be up and running in no time.