It's time to truly embody


If you are done with chasing your next dollar, relying solely on business growth or income to pay your bills, and want to break through your financial glass ceiling...

Why isn’t your wealth growing, despite everything you're doing?

After spending over 15 years helping people manifest their dream lives and being on my own journey to shift my money/wealth consciousness story, I felt frustrated that most of the money programs I took didn't actually help me get to the root cause of what was going on for me. 


So many people in the money mindset industry are missing multiple layers to helping you shift your relationship with money and wealth.


Pay attention because this is one of the most important (and foundational) things you'll discover about what it takes to re-wire your relationship with money and wealth so that you can truly create the lifestyle of your dreams. 


Where most people think they have a mindset problem and spend lots of time repeating affirmations, visualising and journaling their way to abundance, I want to share with you some of the crucial pieces that come with this that will help you completely re-wire your story. 


Without addressing ALL ASPECTS of yourself it's easy to get frustrated as you work to shift your mindset, telling yourself that you are abundant and worthy of your five-figure and six-figure months. It’s no wonder that when you then visualise and tell yourself how amazing you are, why you still aren't moving through that next upper limit in your financial goals. 


This may have even worked in the past and so it feels even more frustrating now as you question,

     ' what am I doing wrong? ',

     ' It has worked for others, why not me? '


     ' It has worked before, why not now? '

I'll tell you why... 


Without addressing your multi-dimensional self, and focusing only on your mindset, you are not actually working with all aspects of yourself.  


I will tell you what the heck this means in a moment, but first I want to say...


We have 6 bodies. I'm going to talk about 5 of them now.


This is your mind and what you say to yourself.


This is your physical body


This is your emotions. Most of you are living your life driven by your emotions. You are living repeating triggers in relationship to your emotions from when you were under 7 years young. So basically... you are walking around with the emotional intelligence of a 5 year young while wanting to grow and expand to live your dream life.

Energy Body


This is your connection with Source and the spiritual world


This is your energy body. You know how sometimes you meet someone and think, oh my... they are amazing and you just click. Or oh my... UGH. This person feels horrible to be around and so your un the other way. You don't know why. There is nothing 'logical' about it, but there energy is either in alignment with you or not. You can feel someone's energy before they even open their mouth.

These are the different dimensions of a human. They are the different aspects that we get to look at to shift your relationship with money and wealth.  


In all of these areas, we can be holding onto past trauma, stagnant energy, unserving behaviours, triggers, and looping patterns that keep you from stepping into being the next version of yourself. 


In all of these areas, you can be deeply disconnected from yourself and from Source.


  • Your glass ceiling keeps you trapped and feeling frustrated as you run on the hamster wheel of your life.

  • It keeps you pushing and striving harder, leading yourself to burnout as you work harder, not smarter.

  • It keeps you lacking creativity as you question yourself and wonder what is wrong with me?

  • It disconnects you from truly feeling joy and passion in your business because you are constantly striving for the next sale.

  • It disconnects you from truly feeling joy and passion in your business because you are constantly striving for the next sale.


When we start to work all these different angles to release the stuff that is holding you back from moving through this glass ceiling, magic happens.

  • You will be connected with your emotions and have ways to bring yourself back to 'balance' and not let them run the show.

  • You will be more in tune with your intuition and able to trust it to lead you on your soul-aligned path towards your dreams

  • People will feel your energy and WANT to be around you and work with you and without even trying, they will be messaging you to work with you. It's an ENERGY thing. ;-)

  • Your mind will be on board with you and instead of being your worst enemy, can become your best friend.

And most importantly.. MONEY WILL MAGNETISE TO YOU. You will be abundantly rewarded for being you and it will just keep raining down on you because you will be in the mindset and have a strategy to help you create new wealth.


Helping you move through whatever is holding you back from saying YES to allowing yourself to RECEIVE infinite abundance is one aspect of WEALTH CODES.


The other aspect is something I have never seen combined into a money/wealth 'mindset' program.

Ready for New Wealth, yet?




If you haven’t figured it out yet, Wealth Codes is like nothing else out there.

You can find places out there to help you work on your money mindset. They exist.

I don’t know anyone going to the depth of what is in here to help you completely re-wire your experience of money and wealth.


I truly believe that we  can break free of the conditioning that has been placed upon us through a society that told us that there are limited resources and money in the world, we can instead choose to have INFINITE ABUNDANCE

Wealth Codes is where you learn to begin to

create INFINITE ABUNDANCE for yourself.

If you want to create NEW Wealth, it is critical to be a master of your energy and be grounded in this world to create tangible results. 

For me, this is non-negotiable.

And the exact reason this program was born.

WEALTH CODES is the culmination of over 15 years of study in mindset, energy, quantum physics, financial literacy and so much more.

So, what is actually in this COMPREHENSIVE course?

Let’s be honest, by now you probably already know you want in.  So, just listen to that nudge and join me.  Be like my clients who tell me it was the best decision they ever made and join me here:

For those of you that want the details…

Here you go:

What topics are covered in Wealth Codes?

  • Ancestral Patterning around Money

    Many of us carry family belief, and patterns around wealth that may not serve you to the fullest.. Now you can become aware of them and release them.

  • Clearing Your Channel for Abundance

    Many people have a hard time holding onto wealth. By clearing your energetic channel, this can be a thing of the past.

  • Human Design

    Living / Generating Wealth by Design

    We all have different success strategies. Human design allows us to understand the best strategy for us.

  • How to Quantum Leap and Bust through Your Glass Ceiling

    Expand your perceived limits, and watch your wealth creation explode.

  • Breaking Free of Lack and Scarcity Conditioning

    Build the mindset of a wealth building champion. Adopt the mindset of abundance.

  • Emptying out Drama to stop Riding the Roller Coaster of Life and Finances.

    Putting energy toward things that don't matter, means there is less energy for building abundance. 

  • Manifesting through The Science of Quantum Physics

    We don't have to be a quantum physicist to tap into the infinite. Let me show you how.

  • Pricing your Products and Services in Alignment

    When we are in complete alignment with what we do, things tend to flow.

  • Opening to Receive

    Many of us unconsciously sabotage ourselves and we block the flow of abundance toward us.

      • Tapping Into The Quantum Reality

        Access the deepest levels of energetic clearing. 

      • Feng Shui for Abundance

        The ancient art of Feng Shui has long been used to align energy, now you can use it for yourself.

      • Self Clearing

        Learn how to do your own emotional clearing work.  You specifically discover how to clear your emotional stuff to be in alignment with your financial goals.

      • Embody Becoming The Person Who Has The Financial Success You Desire

        Mindset is super important, and when we truly embody that mindset, we can powerfully manifest the success we desire.

      • Shedding The Entitled Princess

        Becoming aware of that stuff that triggers us can help us put more energy to the things that matter and less to that that doesn't.

      • Re-Wire Your Nervous System To Be Able To Hold Your Next Level Wealth.

        Upgrade your physiology to be able to handle more abundance.

      • Masculine/Feminine in Relationship to Bringing in More Money

        How are you bring money in? By pushing hard and penetrating, or by being open to receive?

      • Not Allowing Mental Loops to Stop you from Creating Your Dreams.

        How much energy do you waste thinking about the same thing over and over?

      • Moving through Shadows

        Shadows form when clouds block the light. Where are your shadows?

      And much more...

      Remember how I said that it’s not enough to only work the mental aspect stopping you from living your dream life?  Yeah, so not only do we drop into an insane amount of life-changing content, there are multiple clearing sessions in here too.

      Emotional Clearing

      We all get stuck in our emotions sometimes... the moment that happens is the moment we can clear it, but you need a tool to make that happen, right then and there.


      I'll show you an Emotional Clearing tool to transform your emotional patterns and empower you to use it for yourself whenever you need it.


      We will do multiple Quantum Flow Sessions throughout the Wealth Codes to re-wire your nervous system and help you unblock stagnant energy that no longer serves you. 


      These sessions open you up to receive abundance, help you ground yourself, and integrate all that you learn and experience throughout the course...and much more.

      The Format:


      WEALTH CODES runs for 8 weeks, each week we have 1-2 calls a week, plus bonus content. All of it is based on the work of helping you step into BEING the person who creates your dreams and shifting yourself from a multi-dimensional perspective. 




      October 2021

      There is a lot here.  I know  I told you it’s the most comprehensive money/wealth consciousness training I have ever seen.

      That said… get excited.  You are not expected to learn it all in a week.  PHEW!


      Because I know this takes time to dive into an integrate and I am a Wealth Dynamics Supporter who LOVES supporting you to your dreams, I am giving you the gift of time to get through the content ask questions and integrate this into your life so that once and for all… you can truly live in the personal FREEDOM you desire and the world will begin to reflect that around you in the abundance you receive. 


      So, you get the 8 weeks of content PLUS…

      DRUM ROLL...

        • You get access to WEALTH CODES Facebook group for a YEAR.

          In this group, I will be running Live Q&A calls so that you can come and get your questions answered and if needed, clearing work can be done. 


          I even bring guests in from time to time who can give you more in depth training on pieces that will help you create greater levels of success


        So, with ALL this said. 


        There is so much value packed into here!


        I could go through a whole here’s the value etc etc. 


        Or just get to the point, which if you have made it this far, is for sure what you want. 


        To join me in Wealth Codes is only $2222. 


        Payment plans are available too.  You can do 5 payments of $525. 

        WOW!  Amazing, hey?

        I’m sure you will be happy to know some of the results that are happening in the Wealth Codes group.


        Carlyn had been stalled in her income since Covid hit last year.  No matter what she did she couldn’t increase her revenue.  She has been in high-level money/wealth clearing programs and still frustrated with the results.

        Within her 2nd month of Wealth Codes, the dials turned and she was able to 3x her revenue.  YES! 


        WIthin weeks of joining Wealth Codes, Elise manifested $10,000.  She then went onto increase her prices and land her highest paying client ever.  She also tapped into her Human Design projector energy which meant, working less and waiting to be invited to things.  From there she has been invited to work with other teams and clients.  And like magic, amazing things are falling into her lap.


        After struggling for years to get clients, she raised her prices, got more clients and had her best month EVER!


        The week Tanya came into Wealth Codes she declared her few online clients had to stop working with her and she had to pay a tax bill.  All of it together had her stressed, in overwhelm and feeling dark and depressed, wondering what she was going to do to support her family.

        Within a couple weeks, she has learned what it is to live a Manifestor life, begun to step into her powerful energy, found the bounce in her step, the light in her heart and her inspiration.  She got the mojo to launch her online program and is feeling optimistic about life again.

        When I say I am here to help shift the wealth consciousness of this planet, I mean it.

        There is never been a more pivotal and exciting time to be doing this work on the planet, for you and for me.

        It’s a time of great change and there is currently a Great Awakening and with it, a Great Transference of Wealth on the Planet.

        The question is, do you want to be a part of it? 

        If you have made it this far, I’m guessing your answer is yes.  If you were to let go of any resistance you have to time, energy and money around your answer, what are you being called to do right now?

        If you are getting that inner YES, then DO THE THING.

        Keri Norley

        Join me and the other beautiful people who are changing their lives and learning to create NEW WEALTH.

        It’s a thing.

        Do what you gotta do to get your head around it.  It’s for real.

        Let me show you the way to your own NEW WEALTH. 


        See you on the inside.

        With love and abundance,