Choose Your Plan
Pick A Coaching Plan
And Let's Get Writing!
The Family History Writing Studio offers a variety of personal coaching plans to suit your needs.
1-Hour Session
In your one-on-one personal coaching session, Lynn can discuss a variety areas based on your individual needs. They may include story planning, creative writing techniques, writing time and motivation, story ideas and development. Lynn will discuss with new students their goals and needs to customize an individual development plan.
One 60-minute
Coaching Call on Zoom
First-time students will receive a pre-session information form
Coaching Package
Need accountability. If you're on a mission to complete your family history story by a given deadline or event, then our coaching packages may be your answer. Our packages of 5-60 minute coaching sessions not only offer value but provide the structure for meeting deadlines and milestones on your journey to finishing your writing project.
5 60-Minute Coaching
Callson Zoom
Recording of Call Provided in Required
Coaching & Accountability
This coaching package provides 2 monthly coaching checkins along with voice text support between sessions for questions. The 2-hour intensive is used to create a story plot and writing plan to get you across the finish line. A final manuscript review with written feedback up to 30,000 words.
1 Hour
Coaching Sessions
Recordings of all Coaching Sessions
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